A sweet nightmare

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☆ ° • (Your name) P.O.V • ° ☆

    After a few days I was finally able to walk and speak properly. I still felt pain while performing some actions like yelling, running or jumping. But still, it was better then before.

    Today Sonia called everyone for a beach party. I was sitting on the shore and enjoying beautiful sunset scenery, Chiaki sat next to me completely engulfed in her gaming session. Teruteru was making barbecue while Akane and Byakuya ate already prepared meat; Mikan, Sonia and Gundam were sunbathing; Hiyoko, Mahiru and Ibuki were having fun in the water; Fuyuhiko and Pekoyama were chit-chatting and strolling along the shore; Hajime and Nagito were playing volleyball against Kazuichi and Nekomaru.
Everything was perfect until huge grey clouds appeared on blue sky. "Rain?" Sonia looked up. "Why do I have bad feeling about this." I muttered. "Let's head back to the restaurant before it starts raining." Said Mahiru as she dried herself with towel. "I'll help to carry the meat!" Shouted Akane as she snatched few skewers and dashed off. "Lets go guys." Hajime sighed as he walked off, everyone followed. "Here." Nagito helped me up as I had some trouble standing up.

    We all went to the restaurant and had our dinner while chit-chatting peacefully, until we heard a loud squeaky laugh. All of us exchanged weird glances trying to understand where does the sound comes from. Suddenly a black and white teddy bear popped out of nowhere in the middle of our table.

  "My my! Look at you, wasting your precious youth on this lonely island!" The bear said. "Umm. . . Hiyoko? Is this your toy?" Mikan asked timidly. "I don't play with toys! Especially that ugly." Dancer sneered. "Hey! How rude of you!" Bear yelped. "Impossible! How did you get here?!" Usami popped out of nowhere. "Long time no see Usami, still on the side of hope I see." We all were sitting and listening to their bickering until Hajime stood up.
"What the hell is going on?! Why there's another stuffed toy?!" He yelped. "Hey, hey! I'm not a toy! I am the almighty headmaster Monokuma!" Bear growled. "Headmaster?" Chiaki repeated, confused. "Yes! By the way, Usami, you're fired." Suddenly, little pink rabbit got on fire. "Litteraly." Monokuma chuckled. "Usami!" Chiaki tried to extinguish the fire, but it was of no use. "Now, as your headmaster I announce my own game!" The bear smiled maniacly. "Ooh~ what kind of game?" Ibuki clapped her hands.

    "The killing game!" Monokuma laughed again. "What are you talking about?" Nagito stayed calm as ever. "The rules are simple, kill someone, get away with it, get a prize!" He smiled. "Why do you think we will listen to you and start a murder spree?" Fuyuhiko scoffed. "Because I'll give you motives!" He winked. "What kind of motives will make us kill each other?!" Mahiru fumed. "Hmm. . . Let me think. . . Aha! If in the next twenty four hours murder won't happen, I'll kill all of you one by one." Monokuma grinned.
"I would like to see that." I scoffed. "Oh really?! How about I start with you then?" He dashed towards me. "You said you'll do that in twenty four hours." Nagito shielded me behind him. "Right. . . What a bummer." Monokuma sighed. "Okay, away you go! Shoo shoo, back to your cottages!" The bear toy shooed us. "Why?" Akane whined. "Because its ten pm already! You must get beauty sleep, so you'll come up with great murder ideas!" He laughed and dissappeared. "What the fuck was that?!" Kazuichi yelped. "Lets think about this tomorrow morning." Peko said monotonously. "I agree with Peko." Nekomaru nodded as we all went to our cottages.

    I walked to my cottage Nagito followed behind me. He hastily pushed me inside and locked the door behind him. "What's wrong?" I plopped on my bed. "Its finally my turn to become the ultimate hope!" He smiled creepily. "What are you scheming?" I asked mentally facepalming. "Do you think Monokuma was joking about killing us?" Nagito asked. "Yes. Definitely yes." I nodded. "I think he's beyond serious. It's all just a game for him. And I'll start it!" He smiled again.
"Don't you say that you want to kill someone?!" I yelled. "Hush!" He closed my mouth. "I'll just be a stepping stone for your hope." He sat next to me. "I don't think I get you." I rubbed my nose bridge. "What brings you more despair, if two people die or all of us?" He asked seriously. "Both!" I yelped. "Both scenarios are bad!" I said. "Alright, let's go to sleep now." Suddenly, Nagito changed the topic. He laid down and patted the place next to him. Taking a deep breath in I turned off the lights and laid next to him. "Goodnight." He pecked my cheek. "Goodnight." I hugged him tightly.

💥💞 𝕄𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 💞💥 ℕ𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕥𝕠 𝕏 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now