On the island

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Here I am. Оn the grassy hill.

Looks like I fell asleep. . . again. But something is different now.
I see a tall silhouette of a young man. He looks familiar, very familiar. I call out to him but make no sound. It's like my voice just disappeared. 

So I decided to approach the mysterious guy.

The moment I'm about to take a step he takes a step too, but away from me. I run towards him while he repeats my actions and runs away. It's useless. He's way too far away. 

I huff and return under the cherry tree. Sitting under its shade I closed my eyes.

Then, I heard a voice. A masculine, bit raspy familiar voice. It called out to me, but I can't comprehend what it said. I try to listen closely. "W. . .a. . K. .e u. . .p" huh?

I open my eyes to see. . .

"Lucky guy?" I say, my voice became hoarse while my throat felt dry and itchy. "Glad that you're awake." The white haired guy smiled and lent me a hand. I stood up on my own and brushed my clothes off sand.

Wait. . . Sand?

I glanced around. Tall palm trees tower over me, under my sneakers was soft golden sand, to my right the blue sea stretches till the horizon. I look back at my acquaintance. "Where are we?" I muttered as I was in daze from this shocking view. My mind couldn't comprehend the picture I saw, am I halusinating? Is this yet another weird dream? I can't tell if I'm sane at this point. "That's exactly what others are trying to figure out." He sighed and shook his head slightly. I looked around once again to see a crowd of students swarming around Usami. I listened to their conversation while standing few meters away from them.

Usami started handing out students' e-handbook. Not wanting to go there I stood silently, hoping that they'll forget about me. The lucky guy gave me an uncertain look as he walked away and returned after some time. "This is yours." He handed me my handbook. I took it while not saying a word. My mind was occupied with nagging questions that seemed to grow with every passing second. After listening to Usami's explanation this is what I understood: we are currently on the school trip. We must get along with each other and have fun. . .

How boring!

I expected a more detailed answer, with thorough explanation on how we got dragged in here and why the heck there's a school trip in the start of semester, but alas. I was about to walk away to explore this new place I got stuck in, until I heard a loud *thud*, the brunet protag guy passed out.


Everyone had decided to explore the island and find a way out. "Excuse me." We all turned towards the marshmallow-haired guy. "What shall we do with him?" He pointed towards the unconscious brunet. We all shrugged. "Alright then, such trash like me won't be useful anyway. It's better if I'll stay and wait for him to wake up." Everyone agreed and went away. The moment I was about to walk away lucky dude called me. "Umm. Ultimate rebel? Can you stay for a while?" He shot me a pleading look, he reminded me of a small pup who was begging for attention. "Why?" I raised an eyebrow while crossing my arms. "I don't know when he will wake up so. . . Maybe you can stick around so we won't be bored?" He smiled sheepishly and averted his gaze.

You mean so *you* won't be bored.

But still, I'm sure that guys can explore on their own, plus, I stil felt dizzy from all this nonsense. Shrugging I sat down under the shade of the nearby palm tree. "Thanks! " He smiled sincerely. "We haven't introduced ourselves yet. My name is Nagito Komaeda, the ultimate lucky student." He outstretched his hand for a warm handshake. "(Male pseudonym) (Pseudonym surname), ultimate rebel." I didn't bother to shake his hand, I just stared at the horizon. "I see." He mumbled with slight dissapointment while sitting down next to me. An awkward silence surrounded us. I was looking at the sea, how azure water rushed to the shore and away leaving behind a white sea foam. I felt his gaze on me. When I turned towards him, Nagito just smiled and looked away.

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