The first trial

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Not having enough clues we were sent to the Monokuma rock in the central island. I really didn't know anything about the class trials, so Nagito explained everything in detail. In short, we must find out who the killer is. . . Or all of us will die.

As we went inside the elevator it started moving slowly. All of us were silent, we didn't expect the killing to start so soon. I was thinking about Nagito, was he the real culprit? If yes, then why? Why did he kill Byakuya? The elevator came to a halt as the door opened to reveal a huge hall with 17 podiums and one big throne-like chair. On one of the podiums, there was Byakuya's picture, it had a big bloody cross on it. We stood on our podiums, to my left was Nagito, to my right Ibuki.

Oh god. . . That'll be really intense!
Why do I have to stand by these two clingy weirdos?

I cringed at my thought. Monokuma appeared, as he made himself comfortable on the chair we started the trial. Everyone was confused at first. What shall we do? The photographer girl noticed that there is a mafia among us and there's a high chance that he might be the killer. The baby-face and tomato-hair started arguing whether or not the mafia guy was the culprit. But Nagito broke them apart trying to focus on the main part. He mentioned that it's very strange to find the body under the table. I bit my lower lip. . .

Until you set this up Nagito.

All of us started giving assumptions, I stayed quiet listening. Until. . . "That's Wrong!" Hajime yelled at Kazuichi's statement about Byakuya being dragged under the table during the blackout. Hajime then explained that there were no blood trail and the insides of the table got bloody, so thick guy was very likely killed under the table. But why was Byakuya under the table? We all gave our thoughts when Hajime mentioned the knife that was stuck to the table. The chef, Nagito, and I exchanged cautious glances.

We continued on with our trial. Everyone is talking about Byakuya and his fear of sharp objects, I am totally lost in their words. "Byakuya used to rummage through our pockets before we entered the party. He wanted to be sure that no killing would happen. Poor guy." Nagito noticed my expression and so explained everything to me.

The gamer girl assumed that Byakuya saw how the killer went under the table to get the knife. And so Hajime proved her right by saying that the thick guy had a pair of night-vision goggles. Suddenly, the photographer girl started arguing with Hajime about whether Byakuya was the one who wore them or the killer. "Let me cut through your words!" Hajime yelled again. He then explained that there was a duraluminum case that Byakuya had during the party, inside the case, there was another case ment for night vision goggles.

The chef guy asked about the knife. Was it used in this case? Right before Hajime was about to say something I interrupted him. "That's unlikely. I assume that the knife was hidden beforehand, I noticed a dangling piece of duct tape under the table. Maybe someone stuck it there in an attempt to hide it." I said. "Yeah, you're right." Hajime nodded his head. The killer bunny girl mentioned that Byakuya was kind of paranoid during the party. I wonder. . . why? Nagito said that the big guy knew that murder will occur beforehand.

That's when Hajime told us about the letter he and Nagito found in Byakuya's cottage. Nagito gave his thought about the party, what if the party was meant so everyone could look after each other? And therefore no killing would be done? There are more questions. Who wrote this letter? For what purpose? If they wanted to inform Byakuya about killing why didn't they tell it face to face? And if it was a threat. . . Who would be stupid enough to inform them about the killing to the leader? All these questions filled my mind. . . My head started to ache.

The room went quiet as everyone was deep in thought. Until the blonde princess. . . Sonia, I guess, made a very important notion. How did the killer navigate in the dark? "There's some green paint on the duct tape, I guess the paint was present on the knife too. Am I right?" I turned towards Nagito. "Precisely." He nodded. "What if it is luminescent paint? Like, the one which glows in the dark?" I assumed with a thoughtful hum. "It does make sense." Hajime nodded once again.

💥💞 𝕄𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 💞💥 ℕ𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕥𝕠 𝕏 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now