At the "fun" house

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    I woke up on something soft and warm. As I opened my eyes I realized that I was laying on top of Nagito. "Oh, glad you're awake!" He smiled. "Augh!" I yelled and fell off him. "Are you okay?" He helped me stand up. "Yeah, I guess. , , why didn't you wake me up?" I rubbed my forehead. "Well. . . You see. . . You're just too cute when you're asleep! And I couldn't dare to wake you up." He blushed.
    "Cute?" I tilted my head and just noticed. . . A wet stain on his shirt and some saliva that was left on my chin. . . "Huh? Oh, yeah, you drooled while sleeping too." He giggled. "I'm sorry! It's so gross!" I wiped saliva of my chin. "No, no! It's completely fine!" He reassured. "I might even say. . ." He took his shirt and licked my saliva off. "It's very sweet." Nagito smirked. "D-dumbass!" I blushed furiously.       
    "Huh? Why are you yelling so much?" Akane raised her head from the floor. I just noticed that everyone was sleeping while laying on the ground. Soon everyone woke up and wondered about this new place we appeared in.   
    "Good morning sleepy heads!" Monokuma appeared out of thin air. "Welcome to the fun house!" He cheered. "Fun house?" Hajime mused. "Fun house! Or strawberry house to be precise." "Wait. Strawberry house? Isn't it the fun house you told us before?" Kazuichi interrupted Monokuma. "Strawberry house is a part of fun house, you dumbass!" Teddy sneered.
    "Now, let me tell you the rules. Rule number one: no one will exit the fun house until and unless the murder will occur!" The ted laughed. "So that's your new motive?" I asked, unfazed of his action. "Jeez, you're hopeless aren't you? If there will be no murders the game will have no point! And it'll be so boring!" He shook his arms in annoyance. "So that's true?! You brought us here to kill each other?!" Sonia gasped. "What a thick skulls you have! Of course!" Monokuma yelled. "Here's the map of this place." He handed Hajime a scrap of paper.

    "You guys are currently in the indoor park located on the third floor

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    "You guys are currently in the indoor park located on the third floor. Here." He pointed at the paper. "On the second floor there's a neato lounge for you to rest, I also prepared five guestrooms for you to stay in." Monokuma boasted. "They are divided by the quality grade. The deluxe room is soundproof and has excellent air insulation; the standard room may have so-so insulation, but it's still pretty decent; and lastly, the crummy room, it has severe airflow and draft problems!" He explained. "Now, the first floor. There's a room called final dead room. You can enter the final dead room at any time, but be careful when you pick the difficulty! On the same floor there's a hallway called strawberry hall, when you pass through it you can get to the strawberry tower. This concludes the tour, but I think you should better walk around and inspect everything yourself." Ted concluded disappearing afterwards.
    "Hey wait! What about that dead room. . ?" I asked no one in particular. "We'll figure it out soon enough." Nagito gave me a cheerful smile. "By the way, how the hell did the sleeping gas worked on a robot?!" Kazuichi finally asked a meaningful question. "Monokuma pressed my sleep button. Its placed on the back of my neck and puts all my functions to sleep." Mecomaru explained. "Dumbass. Now we know your vulnerable point." I sneered. "Are you planing to kill me?" He laughed. "I told you the first day, I'm not that brain-dead to kill people. What I mean is, you've just exposed your weakness to the true killer." I spat. "Do you suspect us?" Chiaki spoke up. "Its stupid to not to. The murder *will* happen, and its *that* obvious even Kazuichi figured it out." I spat. "What am I telling you guys. . . You never fought for your life. . ." I sighed remembering their obliviousness of their current situation. "What do you mean?" Hajime looked at me worried. "Nevermind!" I gave them a toothy grin.
    "We must look around for exit." Chiaki suggested. "If there *is* one." Nagito added. "Dumbass! Are you giving up already?! We were brought here somehow, so there must be the way we can escape!" Fuyuhiko scolded. "Oh my! Hope that doesn't refuse to give up until the very end! Its so thrilling!" Nagito started creeping them out again. Thanks goodness I've already got used to his "hope" "despair" monologues. We were living together for four years afterall!
    "Let's team up with someone and explore in groups." Chiaki said. And therefore, we all divided in groups. Chiaki, me and Nagito; Gundam and Sonia; Akane and Fuyuhiko; Mechomaru, Kazuichi and Hajime. We all parted away. "Let's explore the first floor. I want to look at the final dead room." I spoke. "I wanted to look at the tower. We can go there afterwards." Chiaki said. And with that we walked downstairs.

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