Hopless requiem

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    I couldn't sleep at night. Something felt off. And I don't know what! I tried to close my eyes forcing myself to rest, but it was of no use. I stayed up almost all night playing guitar that Ibuki gave me. Glancing at the time I saw that it was 4:32 am. Rubbing my eyes I walked out of my cottage and headed to the supermarket. As I entered inside I took out the cookbook in search of a soup recipe.

I know it's not the best breakfast, but hey! I want Nagito to get well as soon as possible! How about something unusual. . . 'Russian borscht'? Well. . . I guess it's worth a try.

    Taking everything I needed I walked towards the restaurant

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    Taking everything I needed I walked towards the restaurant. At first, I had to chop all those vegetables. . .


    While chopping onions tears filled my eyes.


    When it was carrot's time to be chopped I almost added a new ingredient, my finger.


    When I was making a vegetable broth I was about to add sugar instead of salt.

I'm sure that Teruteru's ghost is facepalming right now.

    Finally finishing off with burning my hand on the hot pot and almost dropping the said pot on the floor with all its contents I finished cooking.

    Pouring the soup in three container-like bowls I closed the lid and kept them all in the bag. Taking the bag I walked towards the hospital. While entering the lobby I checked the time, 5:54 am. I decided to wait till everyone wakes up in Nagito's room. I hope he doesn't mind. I quietly walked inside his room and sat on the nearby chair. Not realizing I drifted off and soon fell asleep.

"How sad. . .I couldn't meet sweetheart today." Nagito sighed. "Well, I'm right behind you, moron." I scoffed.
"Ah! Finally, you came! I missed you." He choked me in his hug. "Let. . . G-go. . ." I gasped for air as he removed his arms. 

It seems that I've noticed just now that he wears a mitten on his left hand. "What's with your hand?" I looked at the black and red mitten.
"Oh, this? This is my despair." He said grimly. "Despair?" I asked. "It's none of your concern." He smiled innocently. I sighed.

With one quick movement, I tried to snatch it off his hand but he pulled it out of my reach. "You're so predictable. That's why I love you, sweetheart. You make things simple, but intriguing." He chuckled.

I reached for it once again, and failed. "You never know when to quit, don't you?" Nagito scoffed.
"Ugh! Show me!" I tackled him onto the grass as we fought. Pinning his hands above his head I managed to suppress his struggles.
"Well, you never cease to amaze me, sweetheart!" He winked flirtily. "Ugh." I pulled the mitten of his hand to see. . . A female hand?!

💥💞 𝕄𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 💞💥 ℕ𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕥𝕠 𝕏 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now