Despair desease

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"Something desperate is coming! Better prepare yourself, sweetheart." Nagito said excitement written all over his features. "What now?" I looked into his dull eyes. "Nothing. Nothing. You'll see when you wake up." He snickered darkly. 

"By the way, are you going to tell me about that ultimate despair that is coming?" I asked. "No. It's a surprise!" Nagito giggled. "That'll be really shitty surprise I suppose." I grumbled and turned away.

"Can you at least explain why we're here in this meadow? Why I appear here every single time?!" I huffed in annoyance. "Because this is the most memorable place to you." He explained. "Memorable? How?" I shifted closer to Ko as he pulled me close by my waist.

"Don't you remember? Fifteen years ago, in your grandmother's village the promise we made?" He smirked while leaning close to my face. "Promise?" I raised my eyebrow as I pushed his face away. "Ah, no wonder you broke it!" He playfully pouted.
"What was the promise?!" I pushed him away as he sat there unfazed. "We promised that we'll never leave each other's side. That'll be together no matter what." Komaeda reminded with a sly grin. "Hmm. . . No, I still can't remember." I shrugged. "Don't worry soon you will."

I woke up in cold sweat, something bad is coming. . .

I feel it with my gut.

    I jumped from my bed tripping on the bedsheets that were tangled between my legs. Oof! I fell face-first onto the floor with a loud thud. "Ow. . ." I stood up and threw the bed sheets back on the bed. Kicking my door open I ran towards the restaurant.

    There I saw Akane crying. "What happened?! Did someone die?" I shook her by her shoulders. "Waaaah. . . It hurts!" I let her go. "Ibuki! Tell me what happened to Akane?" I ordered. "I don't know sir!" She saluted me??? Soon everyone arrived at the restaurant. "Good *yawn* morning, everyone." Chiaki yawned. "The morning is DEFINITELY NOT good!" I snapped. "What happened to them?" Fuyuhiko eyed Akane and Ibuki suspiciously. "Hell, if I knew! I came here and saw one buff girl crying crocodile tears, and the other one is obeying everything I say!" I yelled.

    "Wow. . . What a wonderful feeling! Let's all fall for the mighty despair!" Nagito shouted his fist in the air. "Not another one. . ." I sighed as I walked towards him. "Dude, do you hear yourself?! Despair? I thought you were horny on hope." I shook him. "No! Hope is nothing compared to despair!" He yelled.

    "Ugh, shut up!" I was about to smack him but I noticed him sweating bullets. "Are you high right now?" I slowly kept my hand on his forehead. "You're burning hot!" I gasped. "Hehe. . . I know." Nagito smiled. "Mikan, they're sick. Here." I kept her hand on his forehead.

    "O-oh my! Get them to the hospital, quick!" She commanded.
Right after she said that Nagito fell onto the floor with a loud thud! "Quick!" She yelped. "Hajime, give me a hand here." I picked Nagito's arms and tangled them around my neck. "What shall I do?" He panicked. "Give me his legs." I ordered. Hajime helped me to pick up Nagito on a piggyback ride. Nagito was very skinny so he wasn't that heavy at all. And so we all rushed to the hospital.

    As we kept the patients on their beds we left Mikan to do the rest. "My, my! That was fast!" Monokuma laughed as he appeared out of thin air. "What's going on? Don't say it's your fault, you bastard!" Fuyuhiko exclaimed. "It's called the despair disease! It has different effects on different people. Ibuki got the gullible effect, Akane the crybaby effect, and Nagito liar effect. By the way, congratulations! It's contagious!" He chuckled. "Eww, get away from me!" Hiyoko pushed me away from her. "Nevertheless, that's my new motive. Good luck!" With this brief explanation, he left.

💥💞 𝕄𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 💞💥 ℕ𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕥𝕠 𝕏 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now