Not so amusing amusement park

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I woke up because of sun rays that shone in my eyes. I tried to cover my face but couldn't move my hands. Slowly opening my eyes I saw how Nagito's left hand tangled me by my waist and hands. I tried to stand up but heard a little grunt and was pulled back into his embrace. Deciding to stay for a bit longer I looked around the room we were in. We were in my cottage?

But how did I got here?

My gaze fell on his left hand that rested on my waist. I carefully picked it up and examined. Nagito's hand, not Junko's. It was his soft, pale a bit dry left hand. I slowly turned around to face him trying not to wake him up. Looking at his peaceful sleeping form made my heart skip a beat. I remember how he used to suffer from nightmares and insomnia back in that castle.
I took his hand and cupped my cheek in it. Suddenly, the hand started to caress my cheek. "You are awake, aren't you?" I smiled. He started snoring and pretending to be asleep. "You're a very bad actor." I giggled. "Oh man, and there I thought I nailed it." He chuckled.

His hand slowly made it's way around my waist as he pulled me close

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His hand slowly made it's way around my waist as he pulled me close. Quickly pecking my forehead he whispered: "Good morning." "Good morning, Dandelion-head." I kissed his cheek. Suddenly, his face turned from normal pale to bright red. I giggled at his reaction.

"What happened? Why you are in my bed?" I sat up. "You lost consciousness and got hurt on your head." He pointed on the bandages around my head. "And it's quite opposite, you are in my bed." Nagito sat next to me. "How long I've been out?" I rubbed behind my head. "For one day." He hugged me from behind.
"Why such sudden affection?" I raised my eyebrow and chuckled. "Why not?" He rested his chin on my shoulder. "You've been through a lot of pain. A little of cuddling will not harm you." Nagito murmured. "Maybe you're right." I ruffled his hair.
"Enough of this lovey-dovey, I'm hungry." I tried to stand up but he didn't let go. "Five minutes more! Please. . ." He gave me this pleading stare. "Ugh. . . Fine. . . But only five minutes!" I sat back down. "I. . . I love you." He murmured. "What was that?" I pretended to not hear. "N-nothing." He looked away, blushing.

I stood up and faced him. "Nagito. . ." I whispered and hugged him. "I love you too." I whispered into his ear. I pulled away enjoying his flustered face. Leaning in I kissed him. This was the best kiss we've done yet. It was filled with pure affection, pure love with pure hope. We both needed air and so we pulled away from each other. A single tear rolled from his eye. "Are you okay?" I slowly wiped it off. "It's just. . . I never expected you to accept my feelings. I thought that you considered me as your friend. And that you'll never fall for such a trash like me. . . (Your name), you are my true rebellious hope." He hugged me tight.
I never felt so peaceful and happy before. The only thing that ruined this lovey-dovey atmosphere was. . . My grumbling stomach. I blushed and looked away. "You really wanna eat, aren't you?" He giggled and stood up. After few minutes we dressed up and went to the restaurant for breakfast.

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