The sweet lie

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☆ ° •Your name P.O.V • ° ☆

I opened my eyes.


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Sunset. . . Beautiful orange - pink sky was above me. I was floating on water, I guess. Raising my hand few drops of salty water dripped onto my face. I tried to stand up, swim away or just call for help. My muscles were sore and my voice cracked at the futile attempts of saying anything. So I just waited in silence enjoying the beautiful dusky sky.
Few minutes later I felt like someone was getting closer. I heard splashing of water to my right but was powerless to turn my head. The next moment I saw him. . . His torso was naked as he wore swimming shorts. Slowly picking me up he looked into my eyes and huffed. "Told you that wave was too big to surf on." Nagito sighed and walked towards the shore.

As he stepped onto the golden sand he turned his head towards me. "Can you stand?" He asked. ". . . C-c. . . C-can. ." I tried to speak. "Got you." Nagito tightened his grip and walked towards the cottages. Opening one of the rooms he made me lie down on the bed. "I'll call Mikan, you better lie down." Nagito was about to walk away but I caught his hand. Sharp pain pierced my body from head to toes as I did so, tears filled my eyes but I still held onto his wrist. "D-don. . . G. . . Go." I mumbled. "Lay down." He slowly removed his hand from my grip and smiled. "I'll be back in no time. Promise." He pecked my forehead and walked away.

Just as he said, he was back within few minutes, Mikan behind him. "I-i knew i-it was a bad idea!" She yelped and opened first aid kit. "You just started surfing, no need to jump on the big waves!" Nurse scolded me as she touched my legs and legs searching for any broken bones. I flinched at her touch, but tried not to whine or yell from the pain. "Does it pain?" She poked my knee. I nodded. "Okay, here?" Mikan continued poking me around my body. "It pains everywhere!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face.
Nagito sat next to me as he wiped my tears. "It'll be fine, I'm sure about it." He gently stroked my hair as Mikan resumed her inspection. Few minutes later she stood up and closed the kit. "No medicine will help here. Only rest and massage." She sighed. "What's the diagnosis?" Nagito asked. "While (Your name) was under water she tried to swim up. The wave pushed her deep into the sea but apparently she continued trying to swim. Nothing good led to it, only bunch of sprained muscles and minor bruises from hitting the sea bed." Mikan concluded.

"Nagito, please take care of her. (Your name)'s recklessness might be her doom one day." Nurse smiled weakly and left. "Poor you." Lucky guy laid next to me and sighed. "T-than. . . Y-yo." I tried to say something. "Welcome." He smiled and pecked my forehead again. "Are you hungry?" I slightly nodded. "Wait a sec, I'll bring you something." He jumped up and left.

Now I was finally left alone with my own thoughts.

What happened? Where am I?
Is this heaven?

Why haven't I woke up from that capsule?

Wait. . . What capsule?

My head started aching as I huffed.

Let's start from the very beginning. I remember how we appeared on this island. . . Like, one month ago? I got to know everyone better, I dropped the act of a "rebel" and started dating Nagito. That's all.

Isn't it?

"I'm back!" Nagito smiled as he carefully held a tray with food.

This is definitely heaven.

I smiled at the thought. He sat next to me and picked up the spoon/fork/chopsticks/piece/slice of (favourite food). "Say aaah~" Dandelion head smiled. I hesitantly opened my mouth and took the bite, it was delicious. "You like it?" He looked happy. "I took few cooking lessons from Teruteru." Nagito stated proudly. I smiled while chewing.
I was quite hungry and therefore ate the whole plate within few minutes. "Okay! Now I better let you rest." He was about to walk away but I screeched a loud "No!". "No? But Mikan said-" "P. . .lease. s-stay." I pleaded. He let out a playful sigh and kept the tray on the table. Then he slid under the sheets next to me and helped me rest my head on his shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm here." Nagito cooed while gently patting me on the head.

¤ ° ♡~ * * * ~♡ ° ¤

Meanwhile on the other side

🍊Hajime P.O.V🍊

The nightmare was finally over. Junko was defeated and we woke up from the program. I don't remember a thing what happened, but somehow I feel. . . different.

"Hajime- oops. . . I mean Izuru." Makoto called me. "My name is Hajime, not Izuru." I stated. "Huh? You look. . . different." He noticed. "In what way?" I got confused. "Well. Your irises. One of them is red, while other one is green." He pointed onto my eye. "I'll figure it out. Now, you wanted to talk to me, right?" I got down to business. "Right! Apparently there was a glitch in program that caused your original self to come back." Naegi said. "I noticed that already." I said coldly.
"I just wanted to ask you, do you remember anything from your school life?" He asked. "I remember my reserve course classroom. I remember Chiaki. . . and my other ultimate friends. I remember the hope cultivation program, the experiments. And I remember my cooperation with Junko." I grumbled at my last sentence.
"Okay. Since you've got your memories and identity back, have you lost your talents?" Makoto continued. "No. I still have the knowledge on how to play over 1500 music instruments, how to speak 7000 languages, how to knit, sew, and draw, how to program and code, how to build, weld and repair, how to write scripts and poems, how to analyze and predict the person's actions, how to treat people and animals of diseases, how to-" "Okay, okay! I got you. . . You still have your talents." Naegi sweat dropped.

"The thing is me and others must return to our headquarters. But we can't leave you guys alone, so. . . Would you take care of things for us?" Makoto smiled sheepishly. "Sure." I nodded. "Good to hear! Oh, by the way. We would appreciate if you sent us weekly reports of how the things might go on the island." He handed me a laptop case. "I left my email on the paper in the front pocket." Makoto smiled. "Okay." I took the case. "Goodbye for now! Good luck!" He smiled and walked away.

"Man. . . those future shitheads are such a pain in the ass. . ." Akane growled. "Where's Junko? And most importantly, where are others?" Fuyuhiko noted. "Looks like our plan has failed." I started. "But, the good thing is that we're free of despair. So, let's move forward and create our own bright future!" I exclaimed. "Izuru. . . Have you hit your head?!" Kazuichi yelped. "The whole world hates us! You think we will be able to live the rest of our lives peacefully?!" He shrieked. "True. But what stops us to create the future on this island?" I smirked. "I see where it's going. I'm in." Fuyuhiko smiled. "I'll help too!" Sonia nodded vigorously. "Don't leave me behind!" Soda yelled. "What would you do without me? I'm in!" Akane yelled.

"Good. Now, Sonia and Kazuichi, search for shelter on this islands. Akane and Fuyuhiko, you search for food and water. I'll stay here and try to bring our friends back." I ordered.

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