To the stove!

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    As Hajime told me, I was out for few hours. It was already sunset and everyone went back to their motel rooms/cottages. I sat next to Nagito as he was asleep. His temperature was still high. I sighed as I slowly stroked his messy hair. I was taken aback when I  heard Mikan squeak. "I-im very s-sorry! I'll c-come in l-later." She apologized and left. I turned to Nagito examining his sleepy form.

What did he mean?

 My oblivion? Like, I'll remember everything? 

But how?

    Many questions and thoughts crossed my mind. Soon my train of thoughts was stopped by the door creaking. "Um. . . You're still h-here?" Mikan peeked through the little opening. "Huh? Oh, yes." I snapped back to reality.

    "It's already late. M-monokuma said that you c-can't sleep here." She informed. "You talked to him?" I looked at her surprised. "You s-seemed to c-care for Nagito a lot. S-so I asked Monokuma w-whether you can sleep in the l-lobby or not. H-he denied." Mikan shifted her gaze down. "It's okay. Thank you for worrying." I stood up and stretched my sore back.

    "You'll stay here?" I asked. "I need to." She looked at Nagito. "If you need anything call me." I smiled and went away. As I walked towards my cottage I can't help but think about how Mikan takes care of us. If it wasn't for her I'm sure all of us would be dead because of that disease. Plus she helps us making autopsy reports that are quite useful during trials.

I need to thank her, somehow.

   I jumped on my bed exhausted. Today was a terrible day. After few minutes I fell into a deep sleep.

"There you are!" He beamed. "Thought you'll not sleep today." He smiled.
"Why not?" I raised my eyebrow. "Well, I thought you hate me." Nagito mused. "Of course I don't." I sighed and grumbled at the same time.
"I'm so happy!" Nagito pulled me close by my shoulders. "You haven't changed at all!" He gave a cheeky smile.

"Hmm, maybe you did. A bit." He rubbed his chin in thought. "You know the future right? So tell me, who will survive the game?" I averted my gaze from him.
"No, no! You've got it all wrong! I don't know the future, I know the past. And based on the past I make assumptions for the future." He rubbed behind his head.

"In short, you're useless." I pushed him away. "No, I'm not!" Nagito gave a playful pout. "After all, I'm just your imagination. Just a tiny bit of your past life, that you don't recall." Nagito pointed at my head. "Hmm. . ." I hummed deep in thought.

"Then tell me, what happened in the past." I commanded. "Soon you'll figure it out yourself." He smiled creepily. "And then, I'll be here. Waiting for you. Sweetheart." His expression changed drastically, from a little creepy smile to a complete psycho stare.

    I woke up with a jolt. Looking around and sighed with relief. Without thinking about anything I went to the second island. Entering the library I started rummaging through different shelves in search of a recipe book. "How can I help you?" I heard a squeaky voice behind me. "Cookbook." I turned towards Usami. "It's on the third shelf to your right." She pointed her little paw towards the said direction. "Thanks." I mumbled as I grabbed the book and checked its contents.

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