The third trial

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    As we entered the trial ground I stepped on the podium and so, the trial started. "At first we must explain what happened to Nagito and Akane as they both were in the hospital." I said. "Hajime?" I shifted my gaze to the brunet guy.
    "Because of despair disease we were forced to decide into two groups, Nagito, Ibuki and Akane - the infected ones; Mikan, Fuyuhiko, (Male pseudonym) and I, we all were in the hospital." Hajime started. "The second team consisted of myself, Gundam, Kazuichi, Chiaki and Hiyoko." Sonia continued. "Sleeping in the hospital was prohibited, so Hajime, (Male pseudonym) and I were forced to sleep in our cottages." Fuyuhiko stated.
    "Early in the morning Mikan came to wake me up. She said that Nagito had recovered from his symptoms. We went into his room and confirmed that, we also found (Male pseudonym) sleeping on the chair in the Nagito's room." Everyone looked at me i just blushed and turned away.
    "Mikan was very tired so I made her rest in the on-call room. As I went into the lobby I saw the camera unit light up. I pressed the button and I saw a video of someone wearing the hospital gown and a hemp bag on their head climbing a step ladder that lead to the noose." Hajime said.

    "Amazing! What a heart throbbing story! What happened next?" Nagito perked up, excitement written on his face. "I tried to stop them of course! I ran to where the video was recorded, the music venue, (Male pseudonym) followed me. But. . . We were too late. Me and (Male pseudonym) decided to separate and call for help. I ran to the motel while he to dashed to the hospital. Of all people Chiaki came with me." Hajime continued. "And soon (Male pseudonym) along with Fuyuhiko and Mikan joined us." Chiaki added.
    "We were about to search for Ibuki as she dissappeared from the hospital. But then (Male pseudonym) ran to us and asked to follow him." Fuyuhiko stated.

    "When we arrived at the crime scene I noticed something weird. . . The pillar on the right was slightly bigger then the left one. Me and Chiaki decided to investigate, and so we removed the wallpaper and found Hiyoko's body." I stated. "When we lowered the hanged body and removed the tote bag, we realized that it was in fact, Ibuki." Hajime finished his explanation with a sigh.

    "So that's how the case played out, thank you for telling." Nagito said. "But there's something suspicious. . . If you were the only person who saw the video could it be that you're the killer?" Nagito smiled slyly.  "But I was with him!" I stepped in. "Maybe he threatened you." He mused. "Threatened? Me?! Ha! You have a very sick sense of humor!" I scoffed.
    "Nevertheless, prove me. Prove me you're not the killer!" Nagito pressed on. "It was an immitation murder, right? I couldn't have imitated it as I didn't watched the movie until today! And YOU were with me!" Hajime yelled the last part. "Hahaha! I knew you're not the killer! I was just testing you." Nagito chuckled. "Ugh. What a waste of time!" I groaned and rolled my eyes.

    "Don't you find that weird?" Chiaki spoke up. "Hiyoko's body was hidden behind the wallpaper. Why?" She mused. ". . . I guess I can explain." I spoke. "This was meant to confuse us in the order of the murder. The high temperature in the venue also proves that, so does blood on Ibuki's soles and a wiped out smudge on the stage." I said.
    "What does Ibuki's soles have to do with it?" Kazuichi looked at me, confused. "Ibuki didn't had any external injuries, therefore no blood. But Hiyoko's throat was slit open. You think the blood wouldn't come out? It was splattering on the floor and Ibuki stepped on it. After the dirty job was done, the killer wiped off the blood stain. Do you understand now?" I shot him a death glare. "Y-yes!" He was clearly lying.
    "Wow! What a great observation skills you got there!" Nagito cheered up. His carefree, innocent attitude made me smile.  
    "So what your saying is, the killer hadn't completed their plan?" Hajime spoke. "Yes. They wanted to confuse us but their plan have failed." I said. "But, why?" Fuyuhiko stepped in. "I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that. Maybe we arrived earlier then they predicted, maybe they forgot some supplies, I don't know. But it might be an important clue in finding the killer." I sighed.

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