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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ (Y/n) P .O. V ♥

. . . I'm here again . . .

The same grassy hill, the same colorful flowers, the same blossoming cherry tree. But why do I feel so. . . Lonely? Like something's missing.

But . . . what?

I hear a distant ringing, it's getting louder and louder with every second. I cover my ears trying to mute the annoying sound, but it's of no use.

With loud gasp I jolted up from my bed. Looking around my cozy bedroom I took a deep breth and plopped back onto my bed. It's *that* dream again. A week has passed but this lonely hill with sakura tree keeps on appearing in my dreams. I wonder if it means anything. Or, perhaps, I'm just exaggerating. 

Standing up from my bed I stretched my muscles and yawned loudly. Taking a glance at my alarm clock I noticed that I woke up exactly on time. That's kind of impressive I should say, usually I either wake up way too early or way too late. Leaving my bed undone I opened the window and let chilly spring air enter my room. Little goosebumps formed on my skin as I shuddered.

Putting my bathrobe on and opening the door I went inside the bathroom. Random thoughts rushed through my mind while I was brushing my teeth. Today was my first day at hope's peak academy, I never wanted to go in there. But my mom forced me to do so in a really cruel way.


"So you won't go?" Asked my mom with annoyance clear in her voice. "Hell yes! I won't go!" I yelled back. "You just don't understand, it will give you a great future! You're just too young to get it!" My dad stepped into our dispute. "Well, you're too old to get me! I don't want to go there! And that's it!" I yelled as I rushed upstairs and slammed the door to my bedroom. I had this nagging feeling about this school, but if I confess to my parents they'll think I am just being dramatic. But I am not! "(Your name) open the door." I heard my mom's order, her voice was dead serious. "I won't!" I locked the door. "I warned you." After these words, my mom kicked the door open, looks like savageness runs in the family.

"What the-?" My mom launched at me slapping my right cheek. "OW!" I yelled as I rubbed my red cheek with a small hiss of pain. "What's that for?!" I glared at the ferocious woman. "Listen, I respect your choices, dear. Now choose: either you go to hopes peak academy, or you're packing your things and leaving to the St. Mary's Boarding School for Difficult Girls." She sat next to me. "Wait, what? Not there!" I whined and plopped onto my bed.

 I went in there when I was in middle school, and it was a complete disaster! Wake up at 5 am, eat only porridge and tea for breakfast, a ton of unnecessary subjects, dumb-looking dress-like uniform and that's not even half of the problem"It's your choice dear." My mom smirked at her victory. This vicious woman drives me insane! "Fine. . ." I sighed in defeat, what could I do? "That's wonderful! Now, I'll ask Ellie to put the door back." With that, she walked away. Ellie - is our maid and housekeeper. My parents are way too busy to take care of our home. . . And me. So they hire different maids. Ellie is the best one yet. After few minutes the door was repaired.

Few hours later I was sitting on my bed reading about the academy and my 'ultimate' classmates. "Class 77-B. . . Sonia Nevermind, ultimate princess, Mikan Tsumiki, ultimate nurse, and blah blah blah. . . Why is everyone called an ultimate anyway?" I asked myself out loud. Later on, while checking my acceptance letter again I noticed that I'll be going as the 'Ultimate Rebel'. "Huh, that's pretty neat." I rubbed my chin and grinned. They have no idea, so I better use my chance.

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