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    Just as I said so the night sky shimmered with colorful sparkles. "Oh dear!" (Your name)'s beautiful eyes filled up with tears as her mascara smeared down her cheeks. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She tackled me down with a warm hug. "I love you." I whispered as I hugged her back. I never felt so relieved and happy before. But oh goodness gracious hope, it was just a beginning.

    The next day she moved into my house. Later that evening when we got her things unpacked we thought about our wedding ceremony. "How about simple friendly gathering?" She mused as she rested her head on my knees. "Alright, but I want it to be special." I hummed. "In what way?" She looked at me. "Like, a friendly gathering on an island! Or maybe somewhere in the woods, or in some other country." I thought. "Island idea sounds cool, we haven't visited Jabberwock islands in a while, hadn't we?" (Your name) smiled. "Hmm. . . You're right." I combed her hair with my fingers as my ring tangled up in her (hair color) locks.
"There will be ring ceremony on the Chandler beach, followed by barbecue party at night." She hummed dreamily as I tried to carefully untangle my ring from her hair. "We can light up the candles so it would be more romantic, what do you think?" (Your name) looked at me. "Yes, yes, sure." I was focused on my ring. "We can invite Hajime's girlfriend too, if you don't mind of course." "I don't- wait, Hajime has a girlfriend?" I looked at her. "Well, yes. You didn't knew?" My fiance was confused. "I thought he was a loner." I admitted. "Me too, I found out about her only yesterday. I thought you knew about it- Ouch!" She jumped up as I free my ring, few (hair color) strands was tangled around it.

    "But do you remember the weather on Jabberwock Islands at this time of year?" I hummed while removing her hair from my ring. "Yeah, it's quite rainy. Hehe, remember how we sneaked out when it was raining and took a swim? The next day you caught a cold." She reminded with a chuckle. "Yeah, it was thanks to you and Mikan I was nursed to health." I looked into her sparkling (eye color) eyes as smile appeared on my face. "So, how about delaying our wedding until. . . September, November maybe?" (Your name) sat up. "September would be better, it's neither hot nor cold at that month. Man, these four months will drive me crazy." I sighed. "What, want to marry me so badly?" She smirked while leaning in just few inches away from my face. "What do you think?" I smirked back and pulled her head closer until our lips collapsed into long passionate kiss.
"I can't wait either." She smiled while tangling her hands around my neck.

[𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏0𝚞𝚛 𝚖0𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋0𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒0𝚗𝚜.]

    "How is she?" I asked worryingly as I wore my white coat. "Crying." Hajime said nonchalantly. "Of regret?" "Of happiness, dumbass!" He lightly flicked me on my forehead. "I still can't believe you chose me as your best man." Brunet chuckled. "Don't lie, you knew I will choose you." I patted his back. "Guys! Time for photo!" Mahiru walked inside my cottage as she pointed her camera lense at us. "Don't stand like mannequins! Strike a pose or something." Koizumi huffed.

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