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▪︎ ■ □ Nagito's P.O.V □ ■ ▪︎

    I heard a thud behind me. As I turned I looked at shivering (Your name), she was lying on the floor. Her eyes were cloudy as she whispered something under her breath. A trail of blood slowly dripped onto her face.
    I picked her up and dashed towards Mikan. "Monokuma! Wait! Mikan, please. Nurse him one last time." I pleaded. "Oh my! What a feeling of deja vu~! I remember how you came with your lover in hands pleading me to nurse them. I even lost the count how many times it happened!" She giggled. "Monokuma, please." I looked down. "Ugh! Mikan do it fast! I'm tired of nursing all of you brats!" He growled. "Thank you!" I smiled and kept her on the floor. "Here's first aid kit." Monomi handed the white case to Mikan.
    "Let's see. . ." The nurse wiped of the blood of her face, then she applied an antiseptic cream and bandaged her head. "She needs some rest." Mikan whispered into my ear. "Thank you. . ." I looked at unconscious (Your name). "Finally, I'll be able to help my beloved!" She grinned and walked after Monokuma to her execution.

    "I better go back." I mumbled to no one in particular and went towards the hotel. As I walked outside chilly breeze blew making her shiver more. I pulled (Your name) close trying to warm her up, but it was no use. Removing my coat I covered her unconscious form and continued walking. Her cottage was closed so I entered into my cottage and carefully lied her on my bed. Removing her shoes and hoodie (she was wearing t-shirt under it) I covered her with bedsheet.

    I let out an exhausted sigh and fell next to her. Looking at her I removed few strands of her (hair colour) hair from her face.

How come you're so cute?

    Wait! What am I thinking?! She's my friend, that's all! Yeah. . . Just a friend.

But why am I sad about it?

    Pushing weird thoughts aside I tried to fall asleep, but couldn't. I closed my eyes focusing on the noises around me. I heard faint voices, looks like guys are back from the trial. I also heard (Your name)'s silent breaths and grumbles. I reached my arm around her side pulling her close.

She will definitely hate me after this.

    The next morning I woke up because of the knock on my door. Standing up I opened the door to see Hajime and Chiaki. "Good morning!" I smiled weakly. "Is (Male pseudonym) in your cottage?" Hajime asked. "Yes. His cottage was closed, so. . ." I rubbed behind my head. "It's okay, how is he? Woke up yet?" Chiaki interrupted me. "No. Not yet." I looked onto my bed to see sleeping (Your name). "That's sad." She sighed. "Anyway, we're going to get breakfast will you come?" Hajime said. "Yeah. . . I'm coming." I took my coat and went outside.

    "Hey Nagito? Can you meet me on the first beach after breakfast?" Chiaki pulled my sleeve. "Sure." I nodded and walked inside the restaurant.
    I wasn't feeling like eating at all. I was always thinking about (Your name) and her current condition. "Nagito?" Hajime's voice brought me back from my trance. "Yes?" I raised my head. "Are you going to sit here, or get something to eat?" Brunet chuckled but his smile dropped as he saw me frown. "Are you *that* worried about (Male pseudonym)?" He sat next to me. "Yes. But don't worry, I'm fine. You mustn't bring your hope down because of me." I smiled. "I'll get you something to eat." He stood up and walked away. Soon he brought me a plate with sandwiches and a glass of orange juice. "Eat up." He smiled as he went away.

    After eating breakfast I strolled towards the first island. As I stepped onto golden sand I saw Chiaki, she was sitting under the palm tree playing her video game. "You wanted to talk to me?" I asked. "Yeah." She continued her gaming.
    "What is it then?" I sat next to her. "It's about (Male pseudonym). Why are you worrying so much about him? I know he's your childhood friend and all but, I feel like there's a deeper meaning to this." Chiaki didn't bother to raise her head. "What do you mean?" I rubbed my chin.

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