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As I fell asleep the same scene appeared before me. The silhouette of the young man was back again, although I think he came a bit closer. 

The rest of the dream I was sitting under the shade and looking at weird clouds.

    I woke up because of my grumbling stomach, looking at the clock I realized that I overslept. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I slowly removed the cotton wool from my nostril. It was soaked with blood.

Damn it Hajime. . .

    My stomach grumbled once again, and so I went outside. The sun shined especially brightly today. As if oblivious of yesterday's insane and frustrating day. As I entered the restaurant I was greeted with Mahiru. Well. . ." greeted". 
"Hey. Your psycho friend is starving there, so please go feed him. "My. . . Psycho friend? Wha-?" I was interrupted by a tray slamming against my chest. "The old shack. Nagito. Right now." With that Mahiru left the area. Hmm. . .weird. I got two plates of (favorite breakfast) and two bottles of (favorite juice).
As I was about to leave I heard how Kazuichi was bragging about something in front of uninterested Sonia. "-and then I tied him up with chains and stuffed him in the old shack!" He finished. "Tied up who?" I stood behind him, furious. "O-oh! H-hi! W-what a c-coincidence! Well, I g-gotta go! Goodnight!" And so Kazuichi ran out. 

    "Good morning (Male pseudonym) - kun." Sonia smiled sweetly. "So, you're not scared of me?" I looked surprised. "No. I think your actions were completely normal. You were just stating your point of view." She took a sip of her tea. "Now, you were going somewhere?" Sonia raised a brow. "Yes. . . I need to feed Nagito. . . I guess?" I scratched behind my head. "Good luck then." She nodded with a closed-eyed smile.

   I went inside the old shack, it was really dark in here. As I entered the dining hall I saw something horrible. Nagito was lying down on the cold floor, tied up with chains from his shoulders to hips.
"H-Hajime?" His raspy voice was hoarse. "Where?" I tried to lighten up the mood. "Oh! (Male pseudonym)! How's your nose?" Even after what happened to him. . . He asks me how I am feeling? "I. . . I'm good. How are you?" I sat next to him. "Well. . . Such trash like me doesn't have to complain. But it would've been much better if I was in a sitting position." I grasped the chain on his shoulder and pulled him in a straight position. "Comfy?" I asked. "Yeah. Thanks." He gave me a bright smile.

    "Now, open your mouth." I ordered as I gave him (spoon with cereal/ a french toast/ a piece of pancake. Etc.) He gladly opened his mouth and swallowed the food without even chewing. "Dude. . . Are you that hungry?" He shyly looked away from my question. "I see. . ." I gave him another bite.

    When he finished I started eating my breakfast. "You wanted to eat breakfast with me?" Nagito looked utterly shocked. "Well, yeah. I thought that you'll feel lonely. But if you want me to go. . ." I stood up. "NO! I mean, can you stay?" He yelped. "Fine with me." I sat back.

    "It might sound strange but. . . have we met before? Like, long time before we entered Hope's peak?" He asked. "Hmm. . ." I gave his words a little thought. "Maybe. I kinda feel the same way, to be honest." I kept my empty plate aside. "That's weird." He hummed. "Yes. . . It is." I closed my eyes trying to remember him from my past.


I just ate my breakfast as heard a doorbell ring. It must be him!
Today is my free day and we decided to play outside. I opened the door.

"Hi!" He gave me a kind smile. "Hello Ko, how are you doing?" My mom came behind me. "Hello. I'm fine. Can (Your name) - chan come out to play?" He asked giving my mom puppy eyes. "Oh, of course, she can! Where will you play?" My mom asked curiously. "In my backyard." Nagito replied. 

💥💞 𝕄𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 💞💥 ℕ𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕥𝕠 𝕏 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now