19: Will she survive this time?

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I'm happy when Livvy asks if I want to do this because, if she didn't and I become depressed, they'd blame her.

I don't want to die, but I don't want the power, it's too much—

And that's why you're the Moonlark my dear, grandpa says, you won't let it get to you. You want the best for everyone.

I smile at my grandpa and family as Livvy pierces my heart, and releases the Limbium.

I take deep breaths, I just start feeling it.

It slows my heart, causing me to start breathing harder. It also closes my throat, causing me to hyperventilate.

Soon I'm crying, over the years they have perfected the serum. It doesn't make me throw up anymore, or itch. It just stops me fully.

I'm losing, I can't think anymore. All I know is two minutes, then I'll be hit with light, darkness, and a nasty human allergy remedy.

Soon enough I'm hit with coldness, shadowflux and quintessence. Shadowflux is so dark it's cold and quintessence is too hot it's cold.

I also feel something stab my palm, my stomachs tingly too. I guess that means the wound is shutting.

Then I'm controlling the darkness and light.

I've just unlocked Shade and flasher powers.

3rd person

Everyone sucked in a breath when she stopped moving, they timed they're devices to 2 minutes, counting down.

Soon the clock strikes the time. Tam and Wylie unleash their powers on Sophie's head and heart, while Livvy ducks beneath both and stabs Sophie's palm.

The two boys reign their powers on her while her stomach stitches back together.

Just from watching that everyone but Ruy, Gethan, Forkle, Tiergan, Fitz, Alden, the triplets, and the Ruewen's faint.

The Ruewen's fainted when Sophie started choking on her own blood and Alden had a mind break from watching this.

He felt like it was his fault this all turned out, if he hadn't pushed Biana this wouldn't have happened.

Since Juline can't do anything, the triplets go to Sophie. Rex and Bex grab a hand, while Lex chills the shadowflux, making it comforting for her.

Ruy stands behind Bex and Gethan next to Ruy with an arm over his shoulder. Ruy was basically his son, if the alicorn picked him to help her save Sophie, it meant she was a great deal to him.

Forkle, Tiergan, and Fitz stand behind Rex, comforting him as Ruy and Gethan are comforting his sister.

When the shadows, light, and ice start acting funny in Tam, Wylie, and Lex's hands, Forkle shouts, "GET DOWN!!"

Not a minute too soon, Sophie launches both darkness, light, and ice fling everywhere. Then stop as if frozen.

It's a beautiful sight. The darkness, light, and ice reflect off each other. It's like millions of rainbows shine.

Suddenly the scene changes, the darkness is different, as if she puts emotions in it. It's a calming darkness, like when you're asleep and only at peace.

Then light just creeps in, everything is normal again. Everyone wakes up as well.

Even Sophie.


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