8: Do you really want to?

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After months of hard work, Tammy finally trusted me. Ruy, Linh, and I take much pleasure in seeing who can annoy him the most.

Ruy won that award, mostly because my darling Linh has a crush on him. Now whenever Ruy wants something from Tammy, Tam shoves it in his face and storms off.

Over the months we got closer and closer, we now have an inseparable bond.


It's been months and thank the gods Tammy boy trusts Soph and Ruy.

Him and Soph both think I have a crush on Ruy, how wrong they are. Ruy has a crush on Soph, I'm just trying to help them both.

But Soph as usual is oblivious, and Ruy doesn't want to push her.

I totally understand that she has been hurt many times before, and doesn't trust people.

It's a miracle she trusted us so fast, she's still a bit secretive, but we're getting somewhere.

Ruy lives with us now, his old house was falling apart when we went to visit it. When we asked Soph about her home, her eyes went blank, she also started shaking.

We decided not to push it. Today Soph is all cheerful, I wonder what happened.

Then it hits me it's her thirteenth birthday. She's two years younger than us, although Tammy and I don't know our real birthdate, we know we are fifteen. For our birthday we chose the date July eighteenth. Ruy however is fourteen, he just turned about a month before her.

His birthdate is February sixth, her birthday is March twenty-eight, and we don't know for sure.


Soph' s being weird today, just because it's her birthday doesn't mean she needs to get all happy inflicting mode on us.

When she inflicted happiness the first time I was taken aback, being stoic and broody and all.

After seeing that, Linh, and Ruy just fall to the ground joking about it. UGH!!

That's not the only thing though, she is talking about rebels and prejudice and injustice and such.

Not that we can blame her, she's been through a lot. If joining a rebel cause is what can help her we all will.

Not to mention Linh would be all up for those things.


It's her birthday. I didn't get her anything but she doesn't care.

When we talk about rebels, she says she wants to join. And we'd follow her to the ends of the earth, because she'd do the same for us.


"Okay, I want to bring you guys somewhere, and you can freak out." I pause waiting for their responses. They nod, that's all I need to grab all of them, and leap home.

"Welcome to Alluveterre," they stare in amazement, "a Black Swan base for rebels." I add quietly.

They all spin around and face me, that's when I spill the story. What I am, who I am, why I am, and more.


"So that's why you're so secretive," Tammy whispers, I nod.

"Come, there are some people I'd like you to meet." To my shock they came with me very excited. I take them to my family.

"You should meet the collective first, my grandpa, Mr. Forkle;  my aunt Juline, Squall; my friend Jensi's older brother, Fernan, the Blur; The Wrath; and uncle Tiergan, who's Granite. Lastly his adopted son, Wylie Endal, my FaVoRiTe cousin." When I say their names they raise their hands.

When Wylie raises his hand, I can't help but laugh. Linh starts blushing madly. Tam soon sees it and gives Wylie the stink eye. Wylie blushes, and Ruy laughs with me.

Soon enough mom and dad walk in, "This is Vika and Timkin Heks, my adoptive mother and father. Lastly my favorite sister in the world...drumroll please...the one and only, Stina Heks." With that I address the next thing.

"You know how I was talking about joining a cause, how would you all like to join the Black Swan?" They all immediately say yes. Score for me, I got my three very powerful best friends to join!

Once it's all sorted out, Linh and Tammy go with Tiergan, while Ruy comes with us.


She did it, she actually did it. She persuaded all her friends to join. Now that they have agreed, ALL the children need to be initiated, so they can finally join the Black Swan.


Now the children are ready.

"In this box lies your future in the cause, answer wisely, for each question is different."

3rd person

Linh's question was, why does she want to join the black swan? She answered by saying, she wants an end to injustice and prejudice, everyone is equal whether they like it or not.

Her key podium will be equality.

Tam's question was, why did he follow Linh into exile? He answered by saying, no one should go through what Linh did alone, that they were twins and would always look after each other.

His key podium will be loyalty.

Ruy's question was, why did he want to be friends with Sophie? He answered by saying, there was something different about her, something that promised change.

His key podium will be seeing change.

Stina's question was, why'd she take what Sophie said to heart, why did she change? She answered by saying, she thought Sophie was stupid at first but then saw past that. She just knew that if she'd try hard enough that what she wants can come true.

Her key podium will be hope and heart.

Wylie's question was, why'd he forgive Sophie, he did in fact hate her guts. He answered by saying, if it wasn't her fault to begin with, all this weight had just been dumped on her.

His key podium will be forgiveness.

Finally Sophie's question was, after knowing what's to come in the future, why does she stay?

Everyone sucked in a breath when Sophie said, "This world needs a change, if I'm the change or not, I'd still try my best.

"It's basically all these answers combined. The world needs to end the injustice, like Linh said, the world needs to know loyalty, like Tam shows, we need to promise hope, like Ruy said, we need to try and never give up, like Stina's doing, we need to be understanding, and forgiving, like what Wylie said. A strong foundation is built on trust, so that's where we start."

Everyone was taken aback from her answer, not only because she was correct, but because she was younger than everyone in the room and they'd take so long to see it.

Sophie Foster is the revolution.


With all that done, all the kids needed to do was say, I will do everything in my power to help my world.

After that's done, we sit at the banquet hall enjoying one of the few happy times. Little did they know there is so much more to be done.

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