29: Your joking

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Okay this romper isn't that bad, it's actually one of the most comfy ones I have. The red romper was loose and very unlike fighting gear, it clashed with my brown-gold eyes, gold heels and jewelry, and neutral rest.

As we walk into foxfire to get ready for the crowning I realize we are the last to arrive and they are waiting for us.

"Good and bad news Soph." Ruys says next to me as I take his arm and walk in. "Which would you like first."

"Bad always first so when we hear the good it makes everything better." I answer nervously, I never like bad news. "Bad, our seats are all the way in the front and people will be staring. Good, people will be staring and we look goooood!" He whisper-shouts in my ear, I laugh at his child-like attitude.

"Good thing I wanted to go for less scary. Though I miss the claws and dark make-up." We both start snickering at that. "Guys! You're holding up the line." Stina comes up to us and says.

Since we are in the front we should get moving. We all look regal, and the couples are together. Ruy and I look back to where Stina scurried off to, since her, Keefe, and Fitz don't have dates, they are doing what the triplets are. The two boys are escorting the girl.

As we walk up I choose to block out the whispers and tell my friends to do the same. When we don't comment back to their retorts they fall into silence, all you can hear are clicks of heels walking to seats.

"Great! Now that we are all here we can begin." Councillor Emery says.

This is going to be soooo............boring!


As soon as the reception started I felt a head rest on my shoulder. I was fine with it up until I heard soft snoring not five minutes later.

I turn my head to see that Soph fell asleep, I start snickering, causing our friends to look over and start silently laughing.

"We need to wake her up." Mare says, I give her the 'are you sure' face. "Yes I'm sure Ruy. The Councillors will be mad that she fell asleep!" She hisses at me.

"Fine then, you wake her up." I silently murmur, "And face her wrath." Mare pales as if just realizing what she was about to do.

She makes a face but still moves to wake up Soph. She grabs Soph by the shoulders and shakes, shakes more. No avail, Soph must be so tired.

"I thought she was a light sleeper!" She whisper-hisses. "She's really tired. Maybe you should let her sleep. And you know her, she's very restless, so when she falls asleep it's a miracle." I add so no one will wake her.

"Well too bad, damn the consequences!" Mare moves and shakes Soph's shoulders harder than before, by now almost everyone has focused their attention on us. "Sophie! Wake! Up! Now!" Mare hisses in her face.

"Fuck off and let me sleep." Soph says and shoos Mare away, falling back asleep. This further starts Mare's eagerness to wake her up. "Sophie Elizabeth Foster-Heks! You will wake up at once!" Marella has gone into full demon mode, shaking Soph's shoulders to no end.

"What the fuck! Where am I! Why am I being shaked! Whoever woke me up is going to get a beat down in training, plus I'm cutting off book movies! For everyone!" She shouts, oblivious to the ceremony going on. Luckily this time she didn't spew her powers out.


"Sophie Foster! You will get out of bed this instant!" Stina yelled and ripped off the blanket and poured ice cold water on her.

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