9: It's only been 3 years?

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It's only been 3 years, Sophie has been dead for 3 years. Today she would have turned 16, it's all very sad to think about.

When we visit Sophie and Jolie's Wanderling, for their birthdays, there's something new this year.

Stina Heks's adoptive sister is with there with Stina when we visit Sophie's tree, the girl looks heart broken. When I get closer to the girls I gasp.

They turn immediately and I see it was just my imagination it wasn't Sophie or Jolie. Sophie had the most stunning brown eyes, this girl has a dark blue that's almost violet. Sophie also had light blond hair, this girl's hair is darker blond.

But when the girl sees us, she stiffens. Stina's there to comfort her, but I can't miss the fear that was in her eyes when she looked our way.

"Mr and Mrs Ruewen, we didn't see you there. This is Melody Heks, my adopted sister." The girl relaxes, but still keeps up her guard.

"Ah yes, it's a pleasure to meet you Melody, and Stina long time no see. If you don't mind we will be leaving now" I say trying to keep my voice steady.

When I turn back to Grady, he has the same haunted look in his eyes. Melody is a splitting image of Sophie.


As we move to leap back to Havenfield I can help but think, what if that was Sophie?

They could have faked Dex's memories and relocated Sophie.

Was that even possible or do I just want to make things better so I can sleep at night?

Bex Dizznee

Yay, today is Soph's birthday. Rex, Lex, and I get to go to Alluveterre, the best part is Dex doesn't know about it.

Though it pains us not to tell our older brother that Soph is alive, mom made us promise.

Soph is always so kind to us, we only listen to her and her alone, not even mom can tame us. We only listen to Soph because she understands us, and makes us feel better.

Rex Dizznee

We always love visiting Soph, she is the best! Always so kind and never demanding, no wonder Dexy had a crush on her.

Lex Dizznee

If I could, I'd love to shove each Soph visit in Dex's face. He can be so stuck up and cruel.

Giving him the Sophie card always makes him sick. If only we could tell him.

Would he go back to being my caring and kind older brother?


Today is Sophie's birthday, we hold her annual birthday at her Wanderling.

This year we invite the Heks's because Stina has really changed, they're gonna bring Melody to, she reminds me so much of Sophie.

Every year it's a ceremony to honor her, the Ruewen's invite the Vackers, Dizznees, Redeks, Sencens, Tiergan, and this year the Heks.

What we didn't expect was that Tiergan was going to bring Wylie and 2 others, and that the Heks would bring a boy.

It's all very awkward.

3rd person

When they show up at Sophie's Wanderling, it's not what they expect it to be.

Linh thinks that Soph's Wanderling is beautiful.

Tam thinks that it's way too bright to be mourning her death.

Ruy thinks that Soph looks very pretty in what she is wearing to her birthday party.

Wylie thinks that everyone is foolish for not knowing that Melody is Soph.

Stina thinks that it's sad, they truly think she is dead.

Sophie thinks that this is all her fault and starts panicking.

Biana thinks that Melody is Sophie at first, then sees her hair and eyes. She comes up with the conclusion that she imagined seeing scar burns alongside Melody's collarbone.

Dex thinks that Melody is Sophie's ghost back to haunt him for not getting to her in time.

Keefe thinks that Melody is Sophie because he can feel her guilt all the way across the room. There was only one other person he could do that for. And guilt?

Fitz thinks that it's still weird how he still can't get past her blocking, after all these years.

Marella thinks that Dex over worked himself on a party basically celebrating her friend's death. She also thinks that the boy twin is cute.

Alden and Della think that Melody is Jolie.

Grady and Edaline think that they want to crawl in a hole and live there for the rest of their lives.

Juline thinks that the triplets are finally gonna spill Sophie's secret.

When everyone looks confused about the Songs and Ruy, Vika steps up and says Ruy is her adoptive son and that the twins were Tiergan's adoptive children.


As soon as I spot the triplets, I run away from her best friends and crush them in a hug.

Everyone but the Black Swan members look at us weirdly. I don't care.

"Hey you guys, long time no see, you grew like a head taller. You're gonna be taller than me soon." I joke.

They all look so happy to see me that when I let go, they tackle me again. We all laugh.

Soon enough it starts and I don't feel that well, the longer I hold out, the more pain I collect till mom, Stina, and Keefe collapse. I drop soon after, inflicting my pain on the others then pass out.


Shit. I knew this would be too much for Soph. Good thing I wore the blocker, I made my way and gave it to everyone but Vika, Stina, and Keefe.

As soon as I place it on their heads they stop shaking. They stand looking dazed, there is nothing we can do for the others, I say.

"Vika, Stina, and Keefe will be indisposed until we get Melody out of here. Ruy take her back to Sterling Gables, we will bring Vika and Stina back when they are okay to light leap again." Ruy looks skeptical to leave the other half of his family behind, but nods.

"Linh, Wylie, you need to comfort Stina, Tam you have to go to Keefe and help with his shadowvapor." Tam sighs and complains.

"Father do I have to....." Tam really doesn't want to because he wants to be with Linh, I don't miss the glare he gives Wylie, which I smirk at.

"Linh will be fine, your brother won't do anything. Also Keefe got hit the hardest. Would you really risk getting on Mel's bad side for not helping an innocent." Tam looks at me in shock because I played with his strings.

"No I wouldn't want to make Mels mad." He grits out and I smirk, knowing full well Wylie has a crush on Linh.

After everyone is better, they miss the look I give Juline. I grab my children and head out, saying thank you for the invite, but we should check on Melody.

Juline also makes an excuse, saying she needed to leave and had to take the triplets.

With that we left Kesler, the Ruewen's, the Vacker's, the Redek's, Dex, and Keefe, open mouthed and shocked.

"So... what just happened?" I hear Keefe ask as we change into light and move away.


That was a close call, too close. At Sterling Gables Soph lies unconscious with the triplets sleeping on her and her friends sleeping on chairs next to her bed. Along with her imp, Iggy.

Eda and Grady gave the triplets the imp months ago. They decided to give it back to her, when Soph and the imp saw each other, they were overjoyed.

Whatever happens next is going to be interesting.

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