27: You kids...

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They thought that they could get out of punishment by going on a trip. When they come back they are...


There was some commotion going down by some empty lockers, so I had gone to check it out.

When I got to the locker I saw it. The pink goop. Ughh!

I ran as fast as possible back to my office, only to find it trashed, covered in blue goop with a pink smile.

And guess what, their weapons were GONE.

I had to wait till after classes were over to go back to Alluveterre and ground them. When I get there they are all huddled in the corner planning something.

"You kids—," I'm cut off by a happy Ora.

"They said yes! You're free to go to the forbidden cities! We have everything worked out. Pack your bags, you're staying in my private room! Hurry, you're leaving soon!" After Ora says this, they all go scrambling away.

"Ora seriously, do you know what they did to Foxfire today?" I question her.

"Why yes, I do. And you had that coming, even Gethan agrees." She says cheerfully walking away.

What have I gotten myself into?


"Hey grandpa! What brings you to our rooms." Soph comes in with everyone and questions.

"You kids, do know you trashed foxfire right?" They all give innocent looks.

"Did we? Do you have any proof of this?" Soph asks innocently.

"I-I...," I'm speechless, no. I don't have evidence.

"See grandpa, there is no proof. So we didn't do it...yet." She smiled.

"Well, now that that's out of the way. Councillor Darek's planting is going to be tomorrow, we are expected to be there. So, find green clothes and be ready by 9:30 tomorrow." With that I leave.


"Oh, that's why we had to be back by today." I deadpan, everyone laughs.

"I guess that means we have to find dresses?" Bi suggests Linh, Mare, and Stina cheer, while Bex and I groan.

"Still don't like these fancy things Soph?" Stina laughs, "We'll that was a rhetorical question. Of course you still hate those things." That makes everyone laugh.

"At least I have Bex, the one sane girl in our group. Can we like to wear fancy pants instead of dresses." Bex cheers with me on that, the rest of the girls give a collective groan.

"And where are you going to get that at?" Linh says sweetly, "We aren't supposed to do human things to elven plantings, it's a disgrace."

"Well I can make it, just give me an old green dress and I'll make it happen." I'm confident I can do this. "Also we are supposed to be prepared to fight against threats. The elven world is sort of unbalanced right now, anyone can try to take over. If that means wearing pants to a planting. I. Will.

"If anyone else wants pants just ask, and be free to be jealous of our clothing." Bex and I high-five and walk out the door.

I decided that Bex would look better in flowy pants. All I did was cut and stitch the dress in the right places, and boom, flowy pants done.

She's going to wear a white blouse tucked into her dark green flowy pants.

She's going to wear a white blouse tucked into her dark green flowy pants

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