7: Song?

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As soon as she left Stina, she knew everything was going to be alright.

When she'd gotten home after leaving Stina, mom and dad were so proud. Another thing is everyone has treated me so much like family I've taken it on to call them that.

Though Oralie and Gethan will always be mom and dad, Vika and Timkin have the right as well.

Along with Uncle Tiergan, Cousin Wylie, Aunty Juline, and Uncle Fernan. Most importantly Grandpa, or Mr. Forkle.

As soon as she told them about Stina's manifestation. She told them about her own, and they immediately brought her to grandpa.

He told her that there are a lot of things that Sophie hadn't manifested yet, but for her safety it was concealed.

Soon enough it was time for school to begin. She put on the stupid uniform, and light leaped away.

At first no one was there, but then her foot got caught in a net.

Linh Song

The coaches said we'd get a new student today. Imagine my surprise when she got stuck in the net and set her whole leg on fire.

Is she a Pyrokinetic? I wonder. Before I can do anything else I see in her hand, it's a magnifying glass. She used the sun's heat to burn away the rope.

How smart yet, HER WHOLE LET IS ON FIRE, SHIT. I don't miss a beat getting the water near us and killing the flames.

Everyone looks at me in awe, I think I'm gonna be kicked out. Well whatever helping her was worth it.

Tam just stares at me in shock. Ha, I showed him.

Tam Song

That girl, she's smart yet stupid. The pure heat from the sun would cut the rope but also start a fire.

I am right, soon enough her leg is engulfed in flames. What I didn't expect was for a huge wave of water to come to her rescue.

I just stare at Linh, because of this she could be kicked out, and me being her forever good twin, I'll go with her.

Ruy Ignis

As soon as I see the girl I freeze, since the water that saved her life also soaked her, her mask and hood came off. She is the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

Coach Rohanna has me taking her to see the healer guy who where's the boobrie mask. I'm so happy, I really want her to be my friend.

As we walk there she slightly limps so I help her. When I put my arm around her, she looks up at me with stunning brown eyes.

Even though I can tell she's an elf, why does she have brown eyes?

It's kind of rude to judge someone's eyes. A voice says in my head. I jump, causing her to wince.

Sorry, it's just your eyes are brown. I think. She smiles at that chuckling darkly.

Yep, it's a genetic mis-hap. I don't care anymore, but why do you keep staring, am I a freak. She asks.

How can she think she's a freak? She's so prett—, my thoughts are interrupted by joyous laughter.

You think I'm pretty, that I'm not some freak. I try to deny, but—Before you try to deny anything I could still hear your thoughts.

I start blushing madly, embarrassed, she's a telepath.

When I look at her she blushing to, through her eyes look distant, like she's recalling a memory.

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