2: Could it be?

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After I heard the silent alarm get triggered, I ran to see the cameras. I gasp, there, on the ground lies a little kid, could it be.

"Grady, there's someone on our property. I couldn't tell who it was, but it looked like a kid!" I said frantically urging him to get up and help me.


Edaline couldn't possibly think it's Sophie could she? Even if Sophie was alive, which she was not, why would she ever come back. All we have done to her was make her feel at home, then rip it away.

I call Alden immediately, when he answers I tell him what Edaline saw. He was quickly interested and said he'd come over with the kids immediately.


Could it be? Could they still be alive, the two children who drowned? Those poor children never deserved to die. I don't have the heart to tell Grady that it's probably some glitch, so I get the children and head over.


I really hope dad wasn't lying when he said the Ruewen's found someone at Havenfield. I really hope it was Sophie, I owe her a major apology.

Before they drowned dad said that if I apologized to Sophie that she'd forgive me, she was the first real friend I ever had, everyone used me to get to my brother.


If what dad says is true and that it was Sophie who washed up, I need to apologize. I heard her in my head but told no one.

I also need to apologize for the deep shit Biana got herself into. Nobody deserves to have that plopped down on them, much less be told that by your enemy.


Foster could be alive. Foster could be alive. Foster could be alive. The girl who changed my heart, who knew me better than my own best friend.

The last time I saw her she was a mess, so I sent Dex after her. Even though her "death" would be put on Biana and the Ruewen's for putting her in that depressed state. Dex's "death", that was on me, if I hadn't sent him after her...I'm not even going to finish that. The stakes are too high, I don't need my mind to break.


Could it truly be, the sweet little girl I could basically call my own daughter, is she alive.

I really hope so, I really want to apologize for my family's stupidity. Although I'm grateful for it, when I was talking to Biana she actually seemed happy, she'd grown to like Sophie, just like I told her she would.


When I got the call from Grady saying they'd found someone washed up at Havenfield, hope immediately came, if either of the children were alive, it would be an absolute miracle.


I'm alive. Who am I? Where am I? Crap people are coming, who are they, who do they think I am? Do they know me?

"It's Dex!" A boy with a sharp accent and teal blue eyes says.

Then it all comes flooding back. I'm Dexter Alvin Dizznee, the technopath, the child of a bad match, best friend to Sophie Foster, ali—.

Sophie Foster, she's dead. My best friend is dead.

"She's dead?!" Is all I can say over and over again.

3rd person

Everyone became silent when they understood what Dex Dizznee was saying: Sophie Foster, the bright little girl with so much potential, kindness and much more, was dead

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