New Years oneshot

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"Since you all didn't know what Christmas was, I'm guessing you're not going to know what New Years is." I question looking at my friends.

I can call them all my friends now. All my old friends and I have made up for the lost time.

When they don't respond to me I sigh, loudly.

"Well it's a celebration of the new year, since we are elves years past by faster and we don't care for that stuff. But humans aren't immortal-ish so they celebrate it, it's like birthdays. When the clock strikes 12 AM and it's January first, it's the beginning of a new year. Since today is December thirty first, it's New Year's Eve.

"I already asked mom if she could get the council's approval. They gave it, we just need to be back before January third. So pack your things, and get ready for some of the best nights of our long lives! We are going to be staying at the hotel in Disneyland, the fireworks there are off the charts." I smile at their childlike happiness.


"Ready guys?" I call after about an hour. "We need to leave soon, I got last minute hotel rooms so all the cheap ones were out. I got us really fancy ones, they are going to be mad that we are late. So. Haul. Ass!" I'm mad, it shouldn't take that long to pack.

"You can't rush perfection!" Biana shouts from her room. When she comes out she has an over packed bag and is wearing something way too fancy.

"We are staying for two nights, Bi, two nights. Not a week, also why are you so fancy. You have Tam, we don't want that kind of attention, remember the last time." We all shiver at that.

"We need to be there by 12:30, hurry up." Rex says, proving why I like him the best.

He and Ruy were the first done, after me of course. After Bi comes and  Mare's next, Linh and Tam, Wylie, Stina, the rest. And finally Keefe.

"Dude did you not hear what I said. NO ATTENTION! You look like a freaking movie star!" He smirks at me, calling him a movie star.

I grumble, "I will mess up your hair if you get too much attention." He looks flabbergasted, I smirk.

"Let's go!" With that we light leap to the resort hotel. Inside all eyes turn to us, we wear masks and sunglasses yet we still attract attention. How?

I mean our clothes aren't that noticeable.

I'm in a white tank top that cropped above my navel, so you can see my belly ring. Short light blue jean shorts, with white sandals. My black suitcase is small too, plain. My long beige wool sweater hides most tattoos, even the sunglasses hide our eyes and the mask covers the rest of our perfect faces. My hair isn't even brushed, it's in a really bad messy bun. I mean my earrings are big and shiny, but that's beyond the point.

Ruy is in more casual clothes than me white shirt, light blue jeans, white sneakers, glasses, and a face mask. And a black suitcase. All the guys look like them, though their shirts and jeans correlate with their girlfriends colors.

The triplets have on white hoodies and light blue jeans, the boys have sneakers while Bex has sandals. All with matching black suitcases.

Linh has a dark blue crop top, black jean shorts, black sandals, a flannel around her waist, and a blue suitcase. She's basically wearing no make-up, her earrings don't even stand out!

Wylie's probably even more casual than Ruy. Same getup as Ruy but in Linh's colors. What the hell!

Bi has a gray long sleeve crop top, black athletic shorts, black sandals, and a gray suitcase. Though she puts on make-up, it's a lot less than she normally does, she stands out the most, bringing attention to Tam, who shrivels under jealous stares from guys.

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