13: Alluveterre?

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Welp, that went well. After Biana reprimands Fitz, everyone is laughing but them.

Soon enough Della pops up and pulls her son's ear.

That's an image I will never forget.


After school is finally over, we are all hungry, but Fitz. He looks like never wants to eat again. He really should have listened to the girl.

When we travel to the crooked forest, everyone has a haunted look in their eyes. Fitz had just explained that he couldn't get past her blocking no matter how hard he tried.

Soon enough we meet the gnome named Calla, she digs us a tunnel that leads to Alluver? Aterre? Wait, Alluveterre, yes, that's it.

When we get there, I tell her about the predicament we're in with the "inner circle", at which she just laughs, and says no more.

She brings us to meet the collective first. During that meeting we tell them what happened.

They all just started laughing, like Calla. When we asked who the group was, he told us to wait in the shadows and to not move a peep.

Soon enough the door bursts open, revealing 7 really angry kids in human clothes. I gasp, thinking they're humans till I see they're eyes. It's them.


"Grandpa are you serious, you gave us the order to protect them!" I'm pissed. "Do you know what they said to Linh, Tam, and Ruy? I couldn't hear it of course but they did, Linh's poor innocent ears are now corrupted, Tam learned some NEW swear words, NEW! And Ruy was...insulted!

"How can you make us watch over them! All I did was give him a warning about the fruit, he didn't listen so I laughed, laughed! Is there something wrong with laughing, Stina does it all the time, we all do!" I'm fuming, this is so wrong we shouldn't have to do this, it's ludicrous.

"Melody, do you even know who they are?" I deflate a little but don't back down.

"No but whoever they are, they don't deserve to be protected, everyone agrees with me!"

With that we all storm out.


Well that was interesting, what's even more interesting is that they're in the Black Swan— I'm cut off by high pitched squealing I would know anywhere.

"You're back, you're finally back! Now we can work on pranks!" My little sister says, what are they doing here?''

"Yes, let's go prank the collective for what they did," Melody says, all her friends laugh, and the triplets cheer.

"Where do we put the prank?" Rex asks, Melody only smirks.

"A good prankster never tells their secrets," she says mischievously, Keefe then stiffens next to me. We then all realize he'd always say that to Sophie.

"Yess! Your my favorite family member, even more than mom!" Lex says, the rest of the triplets agree and Squall laughs.

"Is it too early to join the inner circle, I mean we are in the cause. And we are the same age you were at when you formed it." Bex squeals and Rex and Lex join her. The inner circle laughs.

"Sure my dearies, after we do the prank we'll initiate you. I'll take you all under my wing, you all have a bright future with me." Melody says and makes hand gestures.

They laugh and head out, knowing well enough that everyone heard them.

See I knew it, the triplets only make messes. I can finally prove to my mom they're just a nuisance, I'll even have this "collective" on my side.

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