30: Oh my gods

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As they walk out of the room they all went into I can tell it's not good. When Alina struts out of the building to us she has a smirk in her face and a device in her hand. Next comes the rest of the councillors, to their credit most don't have disturbed looks on their faces.

Oralie, Kenric, Terik, and surprisingly Bronte all look like they have seen a ghost or made a wrong decision. Next comes Elwin, Alden, Grady, and Edaline who all look like they were dragged into crap that they didn't want to be in.

Dex looks very unhinged, at every movement he jumps. And though we can't see Bi, I can tell she probably wears the same expression. The last group of people who leave the building are the goblin bodyguards. They circle a figure in the center, and in the center was a horrific sight.

In the center lies my girlfriend in the arms of bodyguard, looking very much dead. This brings an uproar in our group, Sophie has a bloody head, eyes barely open, and convulsing every so often. "What they hell! What did you do!" Gethan calls from behind me rushing up to his daughter, but was denied access.

"She is my daughter! What do you mean I can go to her!" He is beyond enraged, I mean he has every right to be. "By our law you are no longer her guardian, neither are the Heks. We thought it'd be best for her to be put in the care of her original adoptive parents." Alina tells him, but it echoes so loud everyone hears. Everyone flinches as well, Sophie never wanted to go back there—ever.

Gethan shoots Oralie and Kenric a worried look and they nod, he pales. "Son, you need to leave before you make things worse." Forkle comes out from behind and puts a hand on his shoulder, "The best thing for right now is to let what the council said be. We can figure this all out later." I really hope we can because this really really is not good.

Stina and the Heks bring Gethan into a hug and he doesn't refuse. All I can do is stare, stare like a freaking idiot. If we all don't leave now we will do something we will regret later. "Let's go," I tell them in a hushed voice, they all shoot me a glare and my temper grows.

"Do you think I want to leave? She was the first person to truly understand me—love me—I don't want to leave her. But I will do something stupid if we don't leave now, we all will." They all let out exasperated looks and shoot Oralie and Kenric a glare—though it's not their fault, they could have done more to stop this.

As we light leap we don't end up at Alluveterre, instead we are waiting at Havenfield. "I'm going to kill someone!" Sandor yells his voice carrying, "Where's Dex!" We all sigh, "It's not his fault, he was only listening to orders, Sandor." He lets out a frustrated sound and is about to comment but light appears in front of us.


I am so dead. I should have known that this would happen, after Sophie did something big I should have known they wouldn't accept her. I'm a fool, I was played, the joker. What is Sandor going to do to me? What is the rest of our group going to do to me? What about Gethan? I'm so screwed.

As the goblin hands Sophie over to Grady he stiffens but takes her. When we light leap I was not fully ready to be greeted by angry faces, but that's not what takes me by surprise. A hand meets my face and a scarlett welt lies on my cheek, "What the hell!" I yell, "Dude you deserved that for two reasons. One you built that thing and didn't tell Sophie, two take that devil thing off her right now!"

I give her a sad look, "Bi, I can't. They took the thing away from me. It would take me at least a week before I can rebuild the device and take it off her head." Maybe that wasn't the right answer but honesty is probably the only thing that will save my skin right now.

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