15: It can't be

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I'm in so much trouble, I just found an alicorn. I thought that Grayfell was the last of his kind, how wrong I was.

There is a beautiful female alicorn, right in front of me. She could reset the timeline to extinction.

Why does the Neverseen have her?! I need to get her back, but she can't teleport. Her wing is broken, it must be from falling, when she called for help.

Even though the Neverseen are there I don't stop running for the alicorn.

Good thing I brought my goblin throwing stars and knives. I stab everyone in my way, not killing them because I don't know if my mind can handle it.

I'm silently praying my dad wasn't sent on this mission, I don't want to harm him but I don't want to be a prisoner again.

When I get close enough to the alicorn, I turn and inflict pain on everyone else. When they collapse, I send soothing waves all through the alicorn.

I have not been more grateful than now to have healing powers, just like the enhancing, it doesn't work on myself, but it will heal others.

When I finish healing her wing, it takes a lot out of me. From training with the triplets, to teleporting, inflicting, and then healing, yikes.

When she's thoroughly soothed, I turn around only to see all the Neverseen people all ready better.

Fly! Go! I send it to the alicorn, she gets ready to. Thank the gods, a capture of an alicorn on my watch, that would have been horrible. I sent her the location of Alluveterre, and just hope she goes there.

The next thing I know, I get a knife to the side. And scream in pain, right when the alicorn teleports away.


That was Sophie's voice, but where was she? All I can see is a scared unicorn, wait that is not a unicorn it's an alicorn.

That's a good thing, the bad thing is that it has blood all over herself. Two different types of blood.

I go to soothe it but it doesn't want me, she keeps looking to the sky and whinnying.


This is not good, not only does it not want help from Linh but the two different types of blood. I just pray it's not Soph's.

My Forkle is smarter, he brings a picture of Soph and shows the alicorn. All it does is make her more scared.

She licked the picture and got ready to fly. Before she lifts off she grabs Ruy. Then disappears, but not before Forkle gets some of the non-sparkly blood.


This is not good and good at the same time. We found an alicorn but lost Soph. Ugh, why does she need to be so difficult.

As soon as I tested the blood, I'm met with the most scary word I've ever seen. I turn the computer thing around so everyone can see, match in green bold letters.


As soon as the alicorn plops down, she nudges me, as if sending I'm a psionipath.

I create a forcefield around us and walk in, there in a big puddle of blood is my girlfriend passed out, surrounded by scary men with symbols of eyes everywhere.

Shit what do I do? If I move I give myself away. But if I don't she'll die, I just hope someone there can help her.

I can't think right now, I feel a little unsteady. The next thing I know, I'm puking. I do not feel well.


Come! On! I! Did! Not! Pick! This! Guy! To! Let! Her! Die!

Dear! Gods! He! Just! Threw! Up! On! Me!

Maybe! He! Was! The! Wrong! Choice!

Should! Have! Gone! With! The! Blond! Boy!

I! Can't! Let! Her! Die! Not! After! She! Saved! Me!


Shit, what's she doing here!

"Nooooo!" I yell but it's too late, Fintan shoves a knife in her stomach.

My daughter screams then faints. I pick her up and try to stop the bleeding. It doesn't work!

No, I already sort of lost my wife, I can't actually lose my daughter. They want to watch her die, I just can't.

When I see a glimmering sphere I run to it not caring about the Neverseen anymore. I just want my family, my ego is too big, I just want my family!

No one sees me leave, all focusing on their victory, finally killing the Moonlark.

My daughter can't die, I just need to talk to her once. I don't even know her. I need to know her, I need to see my wife, her and I together at last.


There is someone running towards us, I grab my weapons, but he's carrying Soph.

"We need to go now!" He shouts as I open, then close the forcefield. "Hurry, the only reason the alicorn picked you to come is because she can sense that you love my daughter! We need to go, she is not going to make it!"

Father? Love? I'm so confused. We all get onto the alicorn and teleport away.


"Dad?" I say after I see him, then I pass out.

I can feel my body moving, we must be running. Is he finally rejoining the Black Swan? I want to get to know my dad.

He's talking with someone now, I can't tell who it is but I can feel love radiating off of him. Must be Ruy.

I never did tell him how I truly felt, oh well I'll tell him later. Soon I think, then my thoughts get interrupted by loud HOLD! ON! HOLD! ON!'s. It's the alicorn.

What's your name I think, I don't know if she'll answer but I need to hold on, I'm fading into oblivion.

SILVENY! HOLD! ON! NAME? She wants to know my name? How cute!

Sophie Foster, you can call me Soph. Or Melody, or Melly, or Mel, or Vic, Vicky, or was it, Elizabeth, Heks? I'm losing my consciousness.


I'm trying...

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