10K Celebration!!

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Sophie had been running from her past for years and today was the day that it finally caught her. After a failed assassination atemp years ago, the group finally realized that they didn't succeed in killing her. She was the heir to one of the biggest transportation companies in the world, Foster Transportations. Her mother and father were amazing engineers. She was living with her mother's sister's family now because her father's family was the traitors.

 She was living with her mother's sister's family now because her father's family was the traitors

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She had a black long sleeved crop top on with gray shorts with fishnet stockings and docs

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She had a black long sleeved crop top on with gray shorts with fishnet stockings and docs. Her long silver and black hair running in beach waves and her curtain banges messy in her face, it obscured her great eyeliner. She'd just come back from school--it was really shitty compared to her cousin's. It was called Foxfire, she was supposed to begin school there before she was almost killed. Her old friends went to that school.

They had all gone to a rich kids elementary school together, but none of them blinked an eye when she disappeared. She had her own friends now, true friends that wouldn't forget about her. "Wassup!" She yelled as she stopped by at their house--or their adoptive dad's house. They opened the door and rushed at her, "Why weren't you guys at school today, you all left me alone and guys were falling left and right at my feet." She mocked and put the back of her hand on her forehead.

"And why wouldn't they?" Linh, her best friend, asked, "I bet since Tam wasn't there Ruy was all over you?" At the smile on her face Linh giggled and her twin rolled his eyes, "I'm going to rip his eyes out," If this were a movie his title would pop up, Tam Song, loyal best friend, Agent Shade.

"Come now Tammy, don't be so harsh." Linh Song, amazing best friend, other bestie's twin, Agent Hydro. "Knock it off and come in the house before you call attention guys." Wylie Endal, best friend's boyfriend, Agent Flasher. Or as Sophie likes to call him, Agent Flashy Flasher. The organization that they joined was called the Black Swan. Imagine her surprise when it was run by her parents' workers and friends.

She entered the house and they went out back into Wylie's old tree house that his uncle made him a few years back. Wylie's father had been taken out along with her parents, the reason why is unknown, but labeled as an attempt to save Sophie. It took Wylie years to forgive her, but he came around and now they were good friends.

She met Linh and Tam when she was fifteen, three years ago, they were seniors at Exillium High now. If Sophie had pale skin and silvery eyes she might be considered the twins' younger sister. They were a year older than her but in the same grade because when they ran away from their parents who were abusive they skipped a year. So to get to college they need to do their sophomore year with her.

Inside the tree house she collapsed onto Tam who didn't seem to care about her dead weight at all. Linh did the same with Wylie, just that they were sitting nicely, "Oh gods, kill me. How am I going to choose?" Sophie just told them that Ruy finally had the courage to ask her out, Linh has cheered for her and Tam just had this 'Oh fuck no' look on his face. "Please, Tammy, I really like this guy!"

Tam didn't believe in love and last year when she dated the most popular boy in the school just to up her and her friends status, it only made his faith worse. "Are you sure, Ruy is really popular and--," She interrupted him.

"Tammyyyyyy, that doesn't matter to me!" She had changed, he just didn't believe her--he had this older brother vibe to him. When he just grunted she smiled, leaped to her feet and kissed him, "You won't regret this! I'll be back later for dinner and word to the wise, don't piss Stina off. Her crush just rejected her and a weird boy cut an insane amount of her hair off."

She blew them kisses and jumped out of the tree, she landed on her feet though, or after she rolled off the ground. Sophie ran until she reached the Wandering Woods--the forest next to the cemetery. Ruy had agreed to meet her there, but first she needed to tell her parents about this. She walked in and found their graves immediately, she came here everyday before school and left flowers and occasionally some pretty rocks she found.

"Hey guys, a boy asked me out today. I didn't know how to respond so I said I'd meet him later and that's now. I'm extremely nervous and I wish you guys were here to help me. Aunty is real busy with Stina right now and I wish I had that parental love. Which don't get me wrong, she loves me, just not like you guys." She left the rocks and went into the forest.

It was named the Wandering Woods because it was rumored that the spirits of the dead would gather there and that's where they would stay and watch over their families. That's why Sophie wanted to meet Ruy there, so her parents would witness the moment.

She climbed up a low tree and waited for the boy. By the time he showed up he had a guilty look on his face, she thought it was good for him to feel that way because she would not be stood up. She let him look around her for a bit, until he thought she had left, she thought.

He had a worried look on his face when she quietly jumped off the tree and tapped his shoulder, "Lookin' for somethin'?" When Ruy jumped a few feet off the ground she cackled like a witch. It was around five and the sun was already beginning it's descent, Sophie casually leaned against a tree.

"How long have you been there?" He asked her, shocked.

Sophie looked at her invisible watch, "I'd say...an hour give or take." She playfully rolled her eyes and pushed off the tree, she waltzed over to him. "Now, why are you late?" She runs one of her insanely long black nails down his front, distracting him from her question.

"I-I, there were some complications." Ruy said stutteringly, "Oh? Such as?" She said with a smile as she booped his nose.

"Me," Then a brunette with teal eyes slips out with a boy version of her and a boy with blonde hair and ice blue eyes.

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