20: Your lying

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As I go into Alden's mind, I'm met with all his memories of me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sophie." The first words he ever said to me.

"There's no reason to worry," a silent promise for a better future.

I can't stay in his mind, or his guilt will crack me as well.

Let's see what he's guilty of...


As soon a Soph put her fingers to Alden's temple, she crumpled to the floor, fingers still intact.

She started crying and her guilt washed over everyone, then suddenly stopped. She even stopped crying, she cut her emotions off.

"Shit Soph, did you just feel that? She is cutting her emotions off, this isn't good. This is all because of you guys!" Ugh, I'm so pissed.

If she stays too long in this state, she'll become emotionless.


"Alden," a sharp voice snaps, "Alden get up. I'm here, I'm not dead, there's nothing to be guilty of. Wake up, fight this, I can only do so much. The rest is up to you!"

That voice sounds so familiar, I just can't place it.

Then millions of pictures of her face show up. A kind, misunderstood, little girl. Dead.

"Alden, I'm not dead. But if I stay too long here, I'll break like you. Fight it, I'm alive!" I know this voice it's Sophie.

"I'm going to fight! There's no reason to worry." She starts laughing in my head.

"Then get up Alden, get up." When she says that I push the guilt out.

"Hello everyone! I'm alright, there's no reason to worry!" Everyone sighs in relief as Sophie laughs.

"Dude will you ever get tired of that line?" Her and Ruy laugh.

"Nope, it's always true," she looks at me oddly, but smiles.

"I guess you're right Alden, if that's it, we'll take our leave." With that she teleports away.


I'm happy she is healing Alden, but I can't help but feel sad.

What Ruy said about cutting off her emotions, it's like she never truly forgave herself either.

If we just hit her in that emotional spot, will she forgive us, or finally crack?

We all rushed to Alden, he woke up!

"Hello everyone! I'm alright, there's no reason to worry!" Everyone sighs in relief as Sophie laughs, guess she can feel again.

"Dude will you ever get tired of that line?" She looks depressed when she says that and forces another laugh.

"Nope, it's always true," she looks at him as if sensing the lie.

"I guess you're right Alden, if that's it, we'll take our leave." With that she teleports away.

After she leaves Alden's face morphs into sadness.

"Something is wrong with her," when he says that I know it's the truth, with evidence or not.

"She's so cold, not that caring little girl." I'm pissed, of course not.

"Of course she's not! You should have heard her, while you were in your 'state', we tried to apologize, and guess what? She laughed and teleported away. She only came back because of duty, she only came back to heal you! Not for us!" I'm mad and sad, "why would she ever forgive us."

I'm defeated, I just want to crawl into a hole and die.


We were all eavesdropping on their conversation, Soph made some valid points, but as a member of the inner circle, isn't she supposed to forgive them?

We're about to light leap back to Alluveterre when a big boom comes from the room, Soph comes back.

Then I remember, Alden's mind broke. She didn't decide to forgive them, she was just doing her job.

After a while there were shouts, she managed to heal him. That's a score right? I can feel depressed feelings from all the way out here, so can all the empaths.

This is what they were talking about, she'll never be the same. Always feeling too much.

Even Alden knows, from what he's saying. Edaline doesn't seem to get it, but she's hinting along the lines.

"Welp, I guess we should head back and check on her." As soon as I say that we all travel into the light.


When she leaves Alden's feelings shift to sadness.

"Something is wrong with her," he says, me being the Empath felt it.

"She's so cold, not that caring little girl." It's true, but it's not all.

"Of course she's not! You should have heard her, while you were in your 'state', we tried to apologize, and guess what? She laughed and teleported away. She only came back because of duty, she only came back to heal you! Not for us!" Edaline has a point, but she's missing a big fact, "why would she ever forgive us."

"Guys you do remember when they said the Limbium would do something to her, I can feel it. As soon as she was injected with it, she- she lost the will to live. She only cares for her cause and family." When I say that everyone sucks in a breath.

"Well, now we have a good reason to actually join the Black Swan, we have to fix her. Then she'll forgive us!" Biana is so cheerful, I hope her plans work.


When we get back to Alluveterre, all we find of Soph and Ruy is a note he left.

We went to the Forbidden Cities, Soph needed a cheer up.


That she does.

Not five minutes later do five persistent elves show up.

"We want to join the cause," that surprises me.

"And why would we let you do this, my daughter hates you." Gethan says, I mean he's not wrong.

"All empaths felt it," Keefe says, "after you did the reset, she lost the will to live. The only thing she felt was the need to make this world better, and the love for you a lot. When this is over, she might just commit suicide."

When I look over to our empaths, Ora, Vika, and Stina all look away.

"I told you this would happen," Livvy says from the back, "and that's why I asked her. She really didn't want to do it, you want to know the reason why she chose to though. This world is unfair and she just wanted to make it right, because of you!

"She couldn't die in peace, knowing she failed. As your experiment!" Livvy is seething.

"What have we done," I'm heartbroken knowing I caused this. "Fine you may stay, but you need to be disguised. When you reach a certain amount of trust, you have to take the disguise off through, no more hiding.

"Just know I'm only saying this because you're the first friends she ever had, part of her still holds onto that. Don't make me regret this." I say exasperatedly.


If it weren't for this morning, today would be the best day of my life.

After we came home from Havenfield, Ruy said I could pick anywhere in the world and we could go there.

I picked California, so I could show him Disneyland.

We converted lusters to dollars, changed into human clothes, then teleported.

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