Christmas oneshot

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"Wait so you guys have never celebrated Christmas before?" I'm scandalized by this.

"Then allow me to explain. Unlike us, the humans believe there is only one god. That god sent an angel down from the heavens to bless a woman, Mary. She would bear his child, Jesus—sort of like me—and they had to go on this long journey to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born in a barn. There was no room in the other buildings, so he was put in a feeding trough. That day was December twenty fifth.

"My family wasn't really into that Christian stuff, sooo, this isn't that correct, it's from movies and classes I've gone to. But it's a tradition where we give presents out to our loved ones. It comes from the three old people—I forgot what they were called—gave him gifts.

"So there's Santa, I forgot his backstory and such, he gives presents to us—he's made up, so kids listen—we open all our presents on the twenty fifth. In my family we opened one present on Christmas Eve though." I explain this to the disgraceful elves in front of me.

"Since today is only the twenty third, we have time to get everyone presents. And we don't tell them what we get them. Also get gifts for the adults, even though they won't get things for us, I know they'd appreciate your gifts. Now leave me be, I must get you all gifts." With that I leave them to revel in the news I dumped on them.


Right now I'm in Atlantis, all the good things are found here. Though I'm going to the forbidden cities after, people like human things too.

For Ruy, a special made handgun from the forbidden cities. I had it customized to his liking. And fighting daggers, they match his beautiful sapphire eyes.

For Stina, many hair products. She loves her wild frizzy hair. Plus books from another of my favorites, I don't think she's read 'An Ember in the Ashes'.

For Vika and Timkin, human snacks. Chips and popcorn with candy and chocolate are the best.

For Oralie and Gethan, more snacks, like Vika and Timkin.

For grandpa, a stuffed animal wearing a shirt saying 'my granddaughter is the best'.

For Linh, human and elven jewelry. Mostly in blue and based on water.

For Tam, a tunic saying 'happy shadow thoughts' and knives. Mostly for stabbing anyone who tries to ask out Linh.

For Wylie, a tunic saying 'my girlfriend may look sweet, but she'll kick your ass' and knives. For protecting himself from Tam and safety.

For Tiergan, snacks.

For Juline, snacks.

For Bex, make-up and jewelry. She's gotten to that phase.

For Rex and Lex, knives and a training gun.

For Deke, some tech thing from the forbidden cities.

For Daisy and May, jewelry, from Atlantis and the cities. And books, they never read Tog and Acotar, scandalous.

For Lincoln, hair products.

For Grant, a mug that says 'my mentor doesn't hate me, but that doesn't mean she likes me. It's an improvement!'.

I hope they like it. I'm also going to need to buy snacks and hot cocoa. I plan to stay up all night. If anyone falls asleep, they get pranked.

Well good thing I don't need to buy presents for that many people. It's already Christmas Eve, I need to wrap their presents.

It's about 5 when I'm done. I conjure up a tree and decorate it. When that was done, I put all my wrapped presents under it, waiting for my friends to show up.

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