5: Is she serious

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This is too good, Stina finally got caught. Serves her right, she's a key reason Sophie is dead!

During the home room we have to leave early and all meet in the cafe, they said Stina has something to say.

Would anyone even believe her lie, I wouldn't.


Oh my gods, is Stina serious. What's she gonna do, if she spits on Sophie's grave I'm going to be pissed.


She can't be serious can she, there's no way this can be sincere.

She must have been put up to this, or since I'm an Empath, could she be changing?

Could Sophie's death have changed her?


This "speech" Stina gives is going to be full of shit.

Why should she even get the chance to apologize, she clearly doesn't deserve it.


I can't believe they are going to let Stina speak. What's she gonna do, say Sophie was her dearest friend, then make everyone pity her. They all better see past the lie.

Because of her, the only person besides my parents who truly knew me, is dead. And it's because of her and Biana.


I can do this. The only way to get this done is to change. At least I'll know I tried, and she'll be here to help me.

I'm surprised the Black Swan allowed her to come, let alone she came willingly. I was so wrong about her, I'm very happy she is my friend.

"Students of Foxfire, I'm Stina Heks, and I owe you all my deepest apologies. A person told me not too long ago that I can be forgiven if I try hard enough, well here it goes. Before you judge me and tell me to crawl in a hole, hear me out.

"When I was younger I was always bullied, my parents being a bad match and my father faking an ability. All he wanted to do was to fit in, but you all casted him out. My mother was the only one who saw the wrong in this, and though it would bring her great embarrassment, she chose my father first. When you're bullied you tend to become sick of it and take actions into your own hands. Instead of cowing, I turned into the beast you made me."

I'm sobbing at this point. "I'm not asking for all of you to forgive me now, but could you just try. I'm trying very hard to change. I'm very sorry for all I have done to everyone. If I'd got the chance I'd beg for Sophie to forgive me."

With that I'm done. Everyone sits there in silence contemplating, till someone claps. It's my adoptive sister.

3rd person

Little did everyone know that Sophie had been in that room the whole time, listening to the heart warming things Stina said.

She waited for people to clap or do something, saying that took a lot of guts.


That has to be all fake. How can Stina truly mean what she said? And how, how can she sound so much like Sophie.

Sophie was always wise, knowing what to say and when to say it.

I'm shocked when someone claps, does she deserve to be forgiven?


WHAT?! Stina hated Sophie's guts. How can she now want to apologize? What happened to her? Has not being able to bully Sophie taken a toll on her.

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