21: Lets get tattoos

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"Ruy, come on! We don't want to run out of time." I'm happy, all my depressed feelings have gone away, for now.

Ruy looks happy too. I led him toward California Screamin', he screamed through the whole ride, so it lived up to its name. I'm laughing the whole time, arms up enjoying the little fun.

Next we head over to one of those water rides, I can't wait to see the look on his face when we get hit with ice cold water.

I purposely got us showy clothes. We flaunt our elf genes wearing what we are.

I'm wearing a black and white striped crop top, short shorts, sneakers, and my long blond hair in a half up messy bun style.

I'm wearing a black and white striped crop top, short shorts, sneakers, and my long blond hair in a half up messy bun style

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He's in a black shirt and regular cargo pants. He doesn't need anything special to make him soooo cute!

Everyone is staring at us, many people ask for his number but one glare from me silences him.

When boys come up to me, actually they can't. They take one step, see Ruy's face, and leave.

He's uncomfortable as we move to get turkey legs and churros. As soon as he takes a bit he starts inhaling the rest. I guess it was that good.

"I never knew meat was this good, I kinda feel bad eating this because of our diet, but anything to make you happy. Also this is just too good, why can't we eat meat?" I laugh at that.

"I have no idea, but I'm so in love with this. Whyyy do we have to be vegetarians." I whine to match him.

"I want to remember tonight forever!" I think that, what would make him remember this forever?

"Want to get tattoos? Then it will forever be on us. We can get two each, one for the date and the other for whatever we want." He looks slightly intrigued, so I lead him out of the amusement park to get a cab.

"Hey can you take us to the nearest tattoo parlor?" He looks like we're joking so I just pay him extra, and he quickly shuts up.

Because of this, I got him to play music for us. As we sing he compliments us we laugh and thank him.

When we get there I warn Ruy that though we will always remember this, it will come with costs, mostly pain.

Then he asked if I could take it away, huh, hadn't thought of that one. It would be easier, so I agreed.

"We can get the date one on the underside of our wrists," I suggested, he liked that idea so we went with it.

4.26.20, in cursive writing. It's wonderful! We both stare in awe, we will never forget this.

I then decided I wanted more than two tattoos, the ones I find really represent me.

A rose on my middle finger of the opposite side, a heartbeat monitor thingy on my heart, a moon with flowers on my upper thigh, a wave with the sun and tree on my right forearm, a Moonlark infinity on my shoulder, planets with stars on my back, and half a Yin and Yang koi fish on my right side.

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