3: Mother? Father?

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When we get to the place Mr. Forkle calls Alluveterre, I'm shocked.

It's stunning, beautiful, magnificent, grand, and humongous.


As we head into Alluveterre, I can't help but laugh at Sophie's expression. She stares in awe at the wonder around us.

After all the trauma, it's best to take her somewhere peaceful and go over the Black Swan and Neverseen thing with her.

First I introduce her to Calla, whom Sophie immediately trusts and likes. Then I bring her to meet the rest of the collective. We must show her who we are, or in my case, my main identity, so she trusts us.

As we go over it I state that my main identity is Master Leto and Squall is Juline Dizznee. When Juline gets the chance, she wraps Sophie in one of the biggest bear hugs I've ever seen.

When Sophie first sees her, she backs up and starts crying. Not that I can blame her, she's been through so much at such a young age, she wasn't supposed to be brought into this world till she was much older. Also after being burned everywhere someone touched you, it kind of makes you want to flinch.

Juline, also looks so much like her younger sister, it scares the crap out of Sophie. Knowing Sophie she thinks it's Edaline, and they aren't on good terms.

When she realizes that it's just her aunt she hugs back, wait can she even call her an aunt... never mind.

The Blur is her friend Jensi's older brother, Fernan Babblos.

The Wrath is ******, he asked for it to be kept a secret.

Granite is Tiergan, so as soon as he says that and takes his costume off, Sophie jumps off Juline, and crushes him in a hug.

Wylie is with him too, he's a little skeptical being around Sophie, mostly because she destroyed his family, but she's just a little girl and all this pressure has been dumped on her.

When Sophie sees him, she abruptly stops hugging Tiergan and cowers. After regaining her courage she runs up to Wylie, hugs him and asks him to forgive her. She thinks she's the reason the family got torn apart, wrong, but it's a sweet gesture nonetheless.

Wylie on the other hand stiffens, then immediately relaxes, hugging her back saying it's not her fault.

They look so cute I will save this memory forever. When I start talking again, Sophie instead of going to Calla, Juline, or Tiergan, grabs Wylie's arm and hides behind him.

If I had not been secretly spying on her, in her time at the Lost Cities I would ship them together, but OML...I SHIP HER MORE WITH THAT SENCEN BOY! They are so cute together my inner fan guy is going wild.

Tiergan suddenly looks up to me and falls to the floor laughing. I can tell he was in my head when I thought that, I immediately redden.

Then all to suddenly the rest of the collective and Calla fall to the floor, laughing. Wylie and Sophie just stand there, thinking we lost our minds and are regretting the idea of joining the Black Swan.

When we all collect ourselves, I get down to business and state what the Neverseen and Black Swan are, and why they are completely different.


Hours later when Sophie finally managed to fall asleep, the door opened and I found a shocked and relieved Oralie standing in the doorway.

"Thank the gods, my daughter is alive!"


Daughter?!?! Councillor. Oralie. Is. My. Biological. Mother?!?!

"YOUR MY MOTHER?!" I shout as I get out of the bed next to Wylie's.

At that everyone wakes up and looks our way. I'm not the least bit sympathetic to their ears after what I just found out.

I rush out of bed and crush Oralie in the biggest hug I could ever give. She stiffens, then crushes me back.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask, I mean, if I were her I'd just be kissing and hugging my daughter none stop.

"Being a Councillor means not being able to have any attachments, dear. That's why Kenric and I aren't a couple. This is also the only way I could ever get a child. You must promise me you'll keep this a secret, alright. I don't want to get kicked off the council, not when I could help this cause so much." I'm shocked when Oralie says the last part but, it only makes me happier. I finally feel loved!

"Since we are on the topic of discussing parents, could you tell me who my father is. I just was wondering because I don't want to do something foolish." I say after I find the courage to wonder.

Mr. Forkle hesitates but says, "Your biological father is my son, Gethan Ondsinn."

My world immediately slows, "You mean the guy with the crescent scar on his hand, who kidnapped and tortured me?"

He nods slowly, and I ask why he'd do such a thing to his own daughter?

My so-called grandpa says that he wasn't there when they tortured me and he wanted to turn me to the Neverseen side.

"Does he love me? Is that why he wanted to change my mind about the Neverseen?" I ask, because I just want to know if people actually love me.

"Yes, Sophie very much, we all love you very much, why would you think we didn't." He responds looking very sad.

"Well, people weren't very nice to me, I was always called a freak, or a mistake, so I was just wondering." My "mom" and "grandpa" go red with rage when I say this, and when they ask who said this, I don't respond. I'm a big girl, I don't need their help or pity.


When my granddaughter says this, Ora and I go mad. She's just a sweet innocent girl and doesn't need this weight on her young shoulders.

My daughter in law is fuming, probably getting ready to hail her husband and get him to harass whoever said that to Soph.


I want to change the subject about overprotective families, when it hits me, "Mom, you're married?"

"Yes dear, your father and I were very young when we got married, only 17. We were in such a deep love, we signed up to be genetic donors for project Moonlark. Soon enough our genetics were chosen because Gethan being related to Forkle, he was an automatic pick." She doesn't continue, so I push her and she relents.

"Your father went to the Neverseen as a spy but then grew to like their ways because he liked being powerful. He thought the Black Swan's cause wouldn't go as far as it needed to be.

"He said the council would still be in charge, and nothing will change. He wanted an anarchy, where no one rules. He didn't understand that anarchy only lasts so long, till people get greedy with power. I tried to talk him out of it but he wouldn't listen, he always wanted what was best for you Soph, so when the war is done he'd be close to the top and we'd finally be happy together.

"Enjoying life without scorn and prejudice. The talentless and us can live side by side. He didn't realize that that was the whole point of you my dear. Though I didn't fake my love for Kenric, I only see him a best friend, I love you fat—"

Before she could say anymore, the door opened again to reveal a distraught looking Stina on the verge of crying.

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