28: Sucks to be you

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"What? Dying? You didn't think I'd go down that easy right?" I start laughing.


It's so funny how speechless he looks. I conjured all the blood out of my mouth, it was a disgusting plan, but it worked.

"It's called preparing, I told everyone to expect an attack. I've planned everything out Fintan, what do you think of me for? A two year old? Come on I thought you knew better, I've evaded dying once and I'll do it again." Everyone but Tam is speechless, we just High-five. We have been working on this for a while.

"I guess you were right Soph. How much did I owe you?" I smirk. "Oh yes, you kept denying but I knew better. We made a high bet because I knew I was right. I think it was a hundred lusters? Yeah a hundred."

He sighs in annoyment while everyone is still staring.

"Oh yes, like I said I have Fintan. He didn't really give me much info, they came to rile up and scare the crowd. And true to my word, they came because the council is vulnerable. They also came to get recruits, he said that was all. When I asked about who else betrayed us he wouldn't answer, all he said was someone Grady and Edaline visit yearly. Does that make any sense?" I haven't lived that long with Grady and Edaline so I don't know what he was mentioning.

I hit him in the head with the barrel of the gun and he's out. I then bound his hands in unmeltable ice. "He's all yours." I say and hand him to grump Bronte.

"Guys we need to head back and regroup, they still might be out there." I start moving out when Ruy grabs my arm and I hiss. Crap, that hurt.

"I like your plan but we aren't going. Tam, Linh, Mare, regroup with the others. Soph needs medical attention." I'm mad. "No I don't! I'm fine, see." I use telekinesis to take the bullet out, fire to seal the bullet wound, water to wash off the blood, and my beguiling to calm everyone.

"Nope, we are not going with them. If you don't listen I will personally tie you to your bed or a chair and leave you there, Blondie." I hiss at him and the nickname, it was what the irritating Alice called me. "You wouldn't dare Ignis."

"Ooooooh, couple fight!?" Mare and Linh say at the same time. "I thought you guys would be on my side."

"Well I did just see you burn yourself to seal a wound soooo, either your good or unstable." I give Mare the look. "First off, have I never shown you movies where if they don't have tools they improvise? Second, you're a pyro too."

"I mean you look good, you just took down Fintan with the bullet wound." I place a hand over my heart. "And this everyone, is why Linh is my favorite." She makes a little bow, and Ruy glares at Tam.

"During the fighting you must have lost some energy, you still know how much the Neverseen want you on their side Soph. You're vulnerable right now, I'm not just saying this because if I don't my best friend will kick my ass. I can't lose more family Soph." I glare. "Okay, fine. You now owe me more lusters if you want forgiveness, and you have to buy Linh a pet."

Linh and I High-five with my good arm. "Finally, nice blackmail Soph." I smile. "Looks like you're stuck Tammy. Allow me to go, or buy us a pet."

If looks could kill Linh and I'd be dead. "Looks like we are getting Linh a pet." My smile enlarges. "Looks like both ways did me good." Linh and I hug, I wince, luckily no one sees.

As we ready to leave the council stops us and mom and Kenric are in tears. "Ms. Foster." I flinch at them knowing the truth. "We are expecting you to be at Councillor Alina's crowning tomorrow. You're free to wear whatever you like." With that they disappear.

"That's weird, let's go Ruy. I get to watch movies with you now, I'm going to make your life hell for your decision." Everyone laughs but him, who groans.

After we get back we binge watch the avengers, everyone comes back when we are close to finishing Avengers: Age of Ultron.

"Anything?" It's very late they should have been back a while ago if they hadn't.

"Nope, nothing. We even double checked, that's why we are later by the way." Fitz responds, I groan. We got nothing!

"Well we should go to sleep, we train in the morning. Well before we head to the crowning. I can't believe they are doing it at foxfire, that's kinda overrated." After today I'm tiredddddd. "Plus we need to get ready for tomorrow's event, and guess what losers! I get to wear whatever I want."

"Doesn't that sound suspicious? I mean crownings are more important than plantings, and you wore that." Dex says looking at my bloody blouse.

"I don't know, but we should still be there. It's an important event, I've always liked Dame Alina. With her in the council I have one more ally, I think for this I'll wear something nice. And go natural, not diva. I'm also sure they will go over how I'm alive as well sooo, I can show the real me.

Before I went to sleep, I picked out a red romper, golden heels and jewelry, natural make-up, re-painting my nails in a nude color, and taking the dye out of my hair. I'm also not going to wear the contacts.

In the morning as usual I woke up the earliest, I got ready then made breakfast

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In the morning as usual I woke up the earliest, I got ready then made breakfast. Same old same old.

"Wow, Soph you look gorgeous." I turn to see Ruy. "Why thank you dear." I give him a warm smile. He comes up behind me and hugs me. We laugh, it's such a joyful sound.

"Get a room, you two." We both blush at the scandalous thing Stina said. Everyone else laughs at our discomfort. Little did we know it'd be the last time in a while.

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