10: Seriously?

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Everything was cloudy, like something was blocking my thoughts. Or was it smokey?


It's been 3 days since Soph had the panic attack and collapsed. I don't think it was a panic attack anymore.

When I read she thought they were all smokey.

She's manifesting as a Pyrokinetic.

3rd person

It's been 3 days since Wylie, Tiergan, and Stina showed up to school. Sophie's old friends knew something was wrong.

When they got to Sterling Gables, they saw it.

There was Melody Heks, lying unconscious and burning up. Something was wrong. Majorly.

No one knew when they'd showed up, Biana, Fitz, Keefe, Dex, and Marella. They all were focused on the burning up little girl.

To their surprise Oralie and Kenric were there, along with Juline and the triplets.

Dex's mom was covering Melody's body in ice, but it never seemed to stop the heat radiating from Melody.

She also covered Vika, Stina, and Oralie in ice so they could soothe her.

Timkin was there too, he was helping Tiergan calm down 4 really scared teenagers and 3 triplets.

They could have sworn Juline said something about pyrokinesis and why he'd picked it.

Soon enough Melody shot out of bed and opened her dark violet eyes. Everyone looked relieved, but Melody only said, "What are they doing here?"


"Oh thank the gods, we thought you were a goner," I rushed up to my daughter and hugged her. Then I registered what she'd said, "who's here?"

"Them," is all she says before she blacks out.

Vika, Timkin, Stina, the new boy Ruy, and the triplets rush up to hug her. What I'd give to call her my daughter and kiss her. That brings me back to the other people in the room.

"Come out," I say coldly. Soph asked her question with so much snark it couldn't be anyone but--...

"I know you're here kids, come out now. And no, I'm not talking about your kids Tiergan. I'm talking about the elves hiding in the shadows." I say with little kindness and a hard face.

"That's why something felt off," Tam muttered under his breath.

As soon as he said that Soph's old friends walked out, I called it.

"What are you all doing here?" Vika says with a cruel ness I'm very proud of. Everyone here shares a special bond with Soph. Even though I get jealous of Vika being Soph's adoptive mother and all, she deserves to feel that kind of love.

"We haven't heard from Stina and Wylie in a while, nor did we see Tiergan. We just got worried and wanted to check," Fitz steps up and says.

"This is all because of you guys," Stina snarls, "get out, you're not welcomed at Sterling Gables." Stina then starts crying and shoves her head in Soph's side, Ruy rubs her back while grabbing Soph's hand.

"Please leave," he says, "we won't say it again, we all just need time." Ruy can barely say that while keeping the snark out.

"Umm the last time I checked, you don't own Sterling Gables," Dex says to Ruy and turns to Stina, "neither do you, we just want to help."

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