25: Welcome back to Foxfire

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When we got to the forbidden cities lots of things happened. First we went on the rides and got lots of snacks.

During this adventure we all got closer to the newbies, though I like everyone but Grant, he got some points over the trip.

At the tattoo place we all got the date of when we officially joined the Black Swan. I got it written on the side of my neck, like Ruy, but the others got it on their wrists.

Stina got a flower collarbone and a heart on her back. We all got tattoos that correlate with our powers.

Linh got a circlet for waves on her right thigh and left bicep.

Tam had to get a tattoo on his back saying happy 'shadow thoughts' because Linh and Ruy teamed up on him.

Wylie got a sun on his other wrist, opposite of the date one we all got.

The triplets were to young to get tattoos, so I mesmered the the tattoo guy to let them get one each. They all chose to get dates in their wrist, the date they joined the inner circle.

Next was the earring place, I dared both Linh and Stina to get the belly button one, in addition to the ones they were already getting.

Due to that dare, I was dared by Tam. He told me to get an eyebrow earring, and I did. It actually looks great in me.

"You know, earring can be taken out. Tattoos can never be fully purged from your skin." I told Tam after he smirked at my initial discomfort in the eyebrow ring.

He lost all his snark at that, we all fell down laughing, even the newbies.

Then we girls got our nails done, while the guys had their own 'guy time'.


None of us got tattoos or earrings, it would be obvious who we are then.

But we just couldn't hold back any longer, we had to get our nails done. They had already got tattoos, earrings, and dyed their hair.

Sophie got the same thing as the last time, her hair and nails the same color and style.

Stina got light purple for both hair and nails.

Linh got a dark blue to go over her silver tips, and a silvery blue nail polish.

Bex got the same style as Sophie.

I got yellow nails and Biana got pink, like of course, those are our colors.

After our nails were done we got boba. Oh my gods it was the best thing I've ever tasted, it comes so close to mallowmelt, the closest there ever was.


Getting tattoos really looked like it hurt, thank gods we couldn't get it. Even if we had to, I'm pretty sure I'd chicken out.

The earrings too, yikes, do they even know they are being stabbed by needles?

So happy no one dared me to dye my hair, no one messes with 'the hair'.

Though out of the boys, Rex and Lex got their hair dyed, like Sophie. She must really be a big role model for them.

When the groups split up we take the two little boys. Because of this we can't go to older people's places.

Irritating bangs boy suggested that we go to the mall and trail the girls.

And I quote, "we should be following the girls at all times. You never know who'll come up to them. I also don't trust Mel to do the responsible things, even with everyone around her. She could just Mesmer them, or talk to them in her sing-song voice."

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