11: What, a tribunal?!

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This morning I got hailed by Councillor Emery, my kids are in deep shit! Emery told me basically everyone complained about them, at least it wasn't just my kids though.

Keefe, Marella, and most importantly Dex, were in mighty big trouble as well.

Knowing this made me feel a little better.

When I read the files Emery sends me I find out that Juline turned in her own son. He must have said something pretty offensive.

Then my kids walk in, "you're in such big trouble!"

Cassius Sencen

Keefe is in such trouble, I'm going to ground him till he has pointy ears!

I feel better when I see that he was only a witness, but a tribunal. This must be serious shit.

I smirk knowing Alden's golden boy is the one who's in serious trouble though.


A tribunal. When I get home, mom tells me I have been summoned to a tribunal.

I stare at her because it's her fault but she doesn't bat an eye.

"I didn't do anything, your tribunal order was from Oralie. My tribunal order was for Fitz Vacker." She says the name with such disgust, like it pains her to acknowledge him.

"You're grounded till you have pointy ears, you're also on triplet duty, and no gadgets or technology. On your way out send your father in, please. Thank you, sweetie!"


"Hey Jules, you wanted to talk?" I turn to my husband, preparing myself for the next conversation.

"Yes dear, what do you know about the Black Swan?"


A tribunal, huh. Damn that was faster than expected.

Mother and father don't really care because I'm there only as a witness.


Okay now I'm truly pissed. The Heks's just changed, why does my son have to make them evil again. UGH!

In the letter from the council it states:

Dear Alden and Della Vacker,

We wish to inform you that your son and daughter have been called forth for a tribunal. While Biana did nothing like Keefe and Marella, she needed to be there because she was a witness.

Fitz on the other hand is being called in for multiple offenses, the offense against Councillors Kenric and Oralie, along with Vika Heks, Juline Dizznee, and Linh Song.

If found guilty all of these children will be Exiled to Exillium. This is a serious offense.

Dex Dizznee also said some trivial things, not as trivial as Fitz but still highly offensive.

I really hope it doesn't come down to what I think it'll be. We don't want the Vacker Legacy to be ruined.

They will testify against the two Councillors and the adopted Ms. Heks's family.

We all wish you the best of luck. The tribunals in three days.

Your spokesman,

Councillor Emery

I'm going to kill them if they get exil—, then it hits me. I'm a strong Vanisher, I can go with them.


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