1: What have they ever done?

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"Sophie, I'll give you a choice. You can come with me, back to my home Alluveterre, or you can return with Dex. If you come with me I can be a father figure and a gnome named Calla can be a mother figure. We will all look after you, you don't need to be scared." Mr. Forkle says after he freed me and Dex.

He says it so gently I'm taken aback, after being stuck 10 days in stupid torture, I'm traumatized. Also after being betrayed a lot, I trust no one, even if it's the next door neighbor who always watched over me.

When I stop to think for an answer I get crushed by memories.


"Nice job, superfreak," Garwin Chang says, after I answered the question correctly.

"Did you just...hear that?" Doubt and shock, no one ever believed me.

"Neither of us thought you were going to be the girl." It stings to know if you didn't almost get yourself killed, you were useless.

"I know, I just wish..." You could be normal, like your sister. Even my parents thought I was a freak, if they truly loved me they would understand!

"Was I adopted?" Everyone treated me like an outcast, could they blame me for asking this?

"You should get back inside before the smoke gives you another one of those headaches you're always—" Mr. Forkle was the only one who truly cared.

"I see Fitz wasn't kidding about the brown eye's. Most unusual." Even Alden thought I was a freak.

"That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard," Councillor Bronte was such a jerk! He didn't know half of what I'd been through and he just judged me on the spot.

"Now that I have to see." At least I have Kenric and Oralie, right?

"You have my vote." If I go with Mr. Forkle, I would really miss Oralie and Kenric.

"No reason to worry," Alden's favorite words, that's all bullshit. If there's no reason to worry we wouldn't be in this predicament!

"So this is why Prentice sacrificed everything," I hate being the reason someone had to go through a mind break, what made me feel worse is what happened to Wylie, at such a young age.

"She's the one, isn't she?" I hate making Tiergan feel that pain, because of Prentice.

"You can keep it. It's kind of frumpy." Biana didn't even give me a chance before she went all jerk mode.

"...you can't live with them anymore." I didn't get any choice in this, I was just ripped away from my family. Even though they thought I was a freak, they loved me. Who would love me now?

"She's just trying to get out of trouble," my sister didn't even stop to think about me, ever. Amy was always trying to get the upper hand, to show me to my face that she was always going to be better.

They made me leave the one true thing that would always be with me, Marty. The poor cat has gone through so much with me, and he couldn't come with me on this last adventure.

"You must be Sophie." I thought Grady and Edaline would understand me, since they lost their daughter, and I lost my parents. But how wrong I was, to them I was "replacing" Jolie.

"What level will you be?" When I was with Dex there was no judging. I could be myself and no one would get hurt. It was all because of Biana that I drifted away from Dex, Marella, and Jensi.

"I give the new girl 6 months before they ship her off to Exillium," Stina knew nothing about me and like Biana, they just judged me.

"I will when it stops being true." Marella was always there to come to the rescue. And I just ditched her, how can I live with myself.

"You must be lost." Keefe. He had always been the one to cheer me up, I'd miss him.

"Nah. Couldn't be." Elwin was another one of those people who was alway there for me. He helped me so much, I'd miss him as well.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school today." I actually fell for it, Biana's grand act, orchestrated by the great Alden Vacker.

"This must be the girl raised by humans," Lord Cassias Sencen was a pain in my ass. He puts down Keefe so hard that when he's around, Keefe is a completely different person.

"Hang on. I'll take you to Elwin." Dex was always so caring, even though the thing he made gave me the allergy.

"You almost died!" Edaline was so scared at that moment, it was the tipping point. I'd looked so much like Jolie they'd said, guess they couldn't even look at me without seeing their true daughter.

"In accordance with your request, adoption proceedings for Sophie Foster have been canceled." How could they do this to me. I actually started to feel like I belonged, I'd actually loved them. HOW COULD THEY DO THIS!

"Would you like a hug while we're at it? Should I tell you 'I love you' again?" They want me to keep up the charade. They canceled my adoption after one hard turn, they didn't deserve to be my guardians.

"It's going to be okay. Really," I'd thought Biana had actually cared for my well being.

"You're going to live with them?" I'd thought Dex was supportive, he'd understand what I was going through, I'd thought wrong.

"She was forced to be friends with you." If only I'd known Biana was a good actress. She hated me, and there was no changing that. During that moment I felt so ashamed and betrayed. How was I so foolish, how could I not see past the lie, why had I ever thought Biana'd want to be my friend?

"What did Biana tell you?" So he had known. Of course Alden would set up his two children, one's just not good enough, both needed to like me to sell it.


I was just so tired of everything, I wanted to be alone, I wanted to die.

"Yes, I'll go with you, there's nothing left for me with them." Mr. Forkle looked really sad when I said that, but didn't argue as they altered Dex's memory and placed him at Havenfield, and leaped away.

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