6: Welp, I need to go to school

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* don't start music yet*


As Stina and I make our way to a shady spot at Foxfire, I can't help but feel sad because my friends are following us.

I'm so proud of my sister! As I transmit to her she jumps, it's hilarious. When I'm done, she agrees.

"Hey Stina, I'm so proud of you. You did it, you can let all the unease go. And hey even if they don't forgive you, you have me. I'm all you need, I'm your family now." She laughs.

"Melly, you don't get it. I'm fine with them not being my friends, but I need to be forgiven." She responds, it's very true.

"Like I said it will take a while, but they will see the true you. I mean, I did." At that we both fall to the ground laughing.

"This is almost as funny as the time Tiergan read grandpa's mind and he was thinking about some pretty embarrassing things!" At that Stina stops laughing and I forgot, I didn't tell her yet.

"When you left me with grandpa and the rest of them," the collective, I transmit. "I went straight to Wylie, I hid behind him and Tiergan told me grandpa thought we'd be a cute couple—," before I could finish Stina lost it, collapsing to the floor laughing.

"That's not even the best part, Tiergan said grandpa was mentioning his inner fan guy!" Then we both lost it, like the collective did.

I can hear their thoughts behind us, they are trying so hard not to laugh. So I transmit that to Stina and she laughs harder than ever.

3rd person

All of Sophie's old friends are trying so hard not to laugh, but while doing that they're wondering if they were wrong to judge Stina.

Biana was sad because Melody reminded her so much of Sophie.

Dex was sad because he missed having a friendship like Stina has with Melody.

Fitz was sad because he couldn't get into her mind.

Keefe was sad because he missed making Sophie laugh.

Marella was sad because she missed being understood, like how Melody understood Stina.

They all just missed their best friend, seeing Stina, Stina being happy make them jealous. They then realized how wrong they were about her. After this they'd find the courage to go to Stina.


Oh my, being with Sophie is like not having a care in the world about anything else. Now even if no one forgives me I'll still be happy because I have someone like Sophie in my life.

When we get to the shady part, Sophie stares in awe, that reminds me that she hasn't even seen most of the school.

I feel bad, but then better, knowing I can now show my sister everything.

I don't need to touch her to feel her sadness, but when I move to grab her hand and she accepts, I realize I've manifested.


She manifested. As soon as she touches me I know, I can feel her sending me calming signs.

"You manifested!" I turn to her and yell. "I'm so proud of you, so will the rest of our family. Yesssssssah, they're gonna be so proud of you.

"How'd you know," is all she can say through the shock, she wouldn't be talentless.

"I felt you sent calming motions to me." I hug her so tight. I'm so proud, if anyone deserves to manifest, it's her.

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