Valentine's Day oneshot

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Yikes, could my week get any worse. Today is Valentine's Day and I want to throw up everywhere. This is one of the holidays the elves do celebrate, and reminds me too much of the pretty pink Princess who I really want to forget. Not to mention everyone gets sooooo lovey-dovey, you can practically smell it in the air.

I feel better knowing I'm not the only one who dislikes the idea of love and stuff, I have Tammy to brood with. Surprisingly enough, Wylie enjoys this day—mostly because he gets to secretly give Linh things and it pisses Tam off. The triplets love it for the candy and goodies they get, Stina likes the attention it gives her to dress fancy and strut around the house with Linh.

They have yet to shove me and Bex into a dress, but later they will because we have to go to a fancy dinner. The only person that I don't know about is Ruy, he looks like someone who wouldn't like it, but this is Ruy we are talking about, anything could be possible.

Tam and I cruise in black tunics as we watch Stina make a fool of herself. She's already up and trying to make Bex dress in something other than pants—the key word is trying. Lex and Rex have teamed up to help their sister run away from Stina, it's all very funny, it even made Tam laugh.

Linh and Wylie are off to only the gods know where, and Ruy's been MIA all day. "Hey Tam, have you seen Ruy?" He looks around as if just noticing that multiple people aren't here. "Nope, haven't seen him all day. Have you seen Linh?" I smirk, "Oh yeah," I pause long enough for him to give me a side glare, "she ran off with Wylie. I have no idea where they went off to."

I crack up when I see his face, "Tam don't be so stuck up, this is Wylie we are talking about, he won't do anything stupid." Then I mummer more quietly, "Not with you hot on his ass every second of the day." Like the joke about Tam being over protected summoned him, Ruy appeared right in front of us.

"Tam I think they went to the other tree houses, not too far. They know you'd kill them." Tam immediately gets up and leaves without so much as a thank you. "Soph, can I ask you a question?" I laugh, "Sure why not, you're never this polite. Is there something you want?" He laughs, but it's kind of awkward. "Yes, as a matter of fact. Would you mind coming with me to tonight's dinner?"

"Of course, though I'm going to be there any—," he cuts me off. "No, like a date. Would you like to be my date for tonight's dinner." I blink, "As friends?" He gives me a full on laugh and shakes his head, "You really are that oblivious. I want you to come with me, as boyfriend and girlfriend."

My eyebrows shoot up so high, they are hidden under my ugly new bands that Linh insisted I should get. "Uhh..." he looks down when I don't respond. "No I get it, it's okay Sophie. I didn't expect you to say yes, with your messed up past and mine as well we aren't...compatible." Shit I need to shut him up. "It's fine, just imagine I didn't just confess to you. We can still—," sparing no time to think, I kiss him.

"For once in your life, shut up Ruy." I kiss him again, "I'd love to go with you, as boyfriend and girlfriend." For once in a long time I feel as if I actually belong.


Oh my gods, she said yes. And she kissed me. Sophie kissed me, she finally realized I liked her—two years late, but I mean she is Oblivious Elizabeth.

Wylie was also supposed to ask Linh out but seeing Tam's reaction, I don't think he might be able to. But saying as I had the courage to ask Oblivious Elizabeth out, he can manage to ask out our sweet little Hydrokinetic.

I need to find him soon, the dinner is in two hours and Sophie already left to get dressed. She had this cheeky grin on her face that promised trouble. I can't wait to see her though, being in the same room with her just brightens me up. Everyone else knew I had a crush on her, except her.

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