22: She's not pissed?

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Oh my lords and ladies! She's in such a good mood, and Forkle's just going to drop a bomb on her.

I'd hate to be the one who's going to get the blame for that. I can hear Tiergan laughing next to me, he must be imagining the same thing.

Next we are both on the floor laughing, everyone but Forkle look at us weirdly. Forkle's just glaring at us, making us laugh harder.

"My dear, welcome back. You look lovely, I love the new look. I can't say the same about the men in your family," I give her a pointed look, looking at Forkle, Gethan, and Timkin, we both snort.

"We also have some new recruits, and your grandfather will take it from here. I say this because it was his idea! If you get mad it's solely on him! Tiergan and I had nothing to do with this!" She looks confused, but nods.

"Thanks Juline," Forkle's butts in. His reaction to that was priceless.


"Thanks Juline," I say before she adds more. She smirks.

"Your welcome Forkle, good luck!" Her and Tiergan laugh, leaving me with the kids.

"Before I get into that, where did you both go?" I ask because it's pure curiosity, also maybe it will calm her down before I drop the bomb.

"We went to a lot of places, grandpa. I think my favorite place was the mall, don't you think so Ruy?" They both smirk, I'm so in for it.

"We bought lots of things, I'm sure my favorite was the pool things we got, want to see." She moves to show bags of pool things.

The triplets squeal behind me, rushing up to her.

"You're the best!" Gets screamed simultaneously at her. She laughs soaking up the minute of fame.

"Grandpa," her voice got serious, "now you haaaaave to make us a pool! We didn't just spend this much money to get rejected. I'll also give you a favor—," before she finishes I sigh in relief.

"Oh thank gods you said that! Finishing what Juline started, we have new recruits and I believe they would fit in with the inner circle—," I'm cut off by her whining voice.

"Okay fine, but the pool?" Thank gods she doesn't care, this is going easier than expected.

"Sure why not, I already asked for the favor." Everyone screams in joy, we'll everyone but her old friends who stare at her in shock. It's almost too easy.

She goes and hugs Ruy so tight he has to ask her to let go. She does but runs to her moms, crushing them instead.

They both compliment her new style, she smiles. He dads on the other hand, "you couldn't have bothered to ask us first sweetheart?" Gethan asks.

"No because I planned ahead," with that she conjures two more of the drink she has in her hand and gives it to them, "I knew I was going to get an earful later, so I got you guys these.

"I got you guys these," she turns to Ora and Vika, and hands them human jewelry. "I also got Tiergan a drink and Juline earrings as well, but it seems they wanted to doom grandpa with the news. I'll give it to them later.

"So I got you boys bathing suits and drinks, while you girls get it both. Plus earrings, so don't hate me for leaving you guys, okay." Lastly she turns to me.

"I got you a mug that says, 'my amazing granddaughter got this for me at Disneyland'. Also I'll help you make the pool." She says, then gives me her sweetest smile.

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