12: Who are you? Why're you here?

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After we all finish packing, we move the things over the tree houses at Alluveterre.

I've only been in a small room there because I was only there for a short while, now Linh, Stina, and I will share the huge girls tree house.

However the boys will all be cramped in the huge boys tree house on the other side. We plan to have sleepovers every night but that doesn't matter.

There's a third and fourth tree house on the opposite side of ours. It's not occupied, thank the gods, we planned on pulling pranks in those.

Since we all arrive at the same time the boys play Rock Paper Scissors to see who gets to pick first. The girls are more civilized, we just let each other choose and be fine with it.

It's a total upgrade from living at Sterling Gables and Solreef.

I'm very happy to see that across from my window is Ruy. We have been crushing on each other for a while.

Ever since Linh blurted it out and called me oblivious, Ruy and I have acknowledged our feelings for each other. It's a secret though, isn't it kind of weird to be dating your adoptive brother?

Welp we don't really care, no one knows about us. Linh mentions the Foster oblivion many times, I now know what that means.

It's not my fault the Black Swan made me love stupid.

When we are finally done unpacking, which of course we were waiting for the boys to finish, we put on our Exillium uniforms and head out.

While Stina and Wylie go to foxfire, we put on our adler masks, and use the bead to leap us to our lessons.

We laugh together knowing fully well, Stina and Wylie would rather come here than go to Foxfire.


Okay so we all have our beads, uniforms, masks, and wits.

We decided that when Master Leto told us we needed to find the telepathic girl, Fitz should do it because he could transmit. But things didn't go as planned.

As soon as we get to the Exillium site for today, we get caught in ropes. Students come out of everywhere laughing with their coaches.

This is a test I realized, they're all waiting for us to get down. And I, not thinking things through, cut the rope, and fall painfully in my leg.

Biana uses the sharp end of the tree branch to cut it, and levitates to the floor.

Dex uses a gadget that I know his mom told him not to bring, and levitates to the floor.

Fitz just unties the rope, being the only civil one with us, and levitates to the floor.

Marella burns her rope, and then in an instant ousts it out. Everyone laughs at that and turns to a petite little girl in the purple section.

She doesn't seem bothered in the least, and just laughs with them.

While Fitz and Biana use logic and reason to get down, Dex and I use spontaneity and creativity. Thank gods Marella used a hybrid of both. So they get put in the red hemisphere and we get put in the blue, way to go, Marella.

She was put in the purple group, but she's hopeless at communicating. Only saying gossip and trying to bully mean girls.

And guess what, the telepathic girl and her friends are all in purple.

All hope isn't lost yet, Coach Rohanna, from what I've heard, calls the petite girl who was being laughed at.

She comes forward and we all share a look when her pin, marking her ability, was a telepath. Along with an Enhancer, Inflictor, polyglot, Pyrokinetic, and Teleporter.

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