24: School?

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3rd person

~1 week later~

"Okay since they newbies have gotten better, to say the least. We're going boys vs. girls in combat for today's challenge. Everyone pair up." Sophie said, much to her chagrin, the newbies did get better.

Sophie and Fitz: Since Fitz was the worst at combat, Sophie had a major upper hand. She decided to go easy on him, so she could actually fight. She let him think that'd he'd win, only Ruy and Rex saw that, they both started laughing. As soon as Fitz got Sophie in a choke hold, he got cocky. She then elbowed him in the stomach, grabbed his hair, and shoved his face into the floor. Sophie won.

Stina and Keefe: Stina was easily defeated, she didn't learn that when your hair is down, the other person has the advantage. Keefe just pulled her hair, hard, and she was weakened. Keefe won.

Linh and Rex: Since Rex was younger and smaller, Linh didn't know how to fight him. Rex took that as an advantage, sliding under her legs and tripping her. Rex won.

Bex and Lex: Bex learned from her mistake and let Sophie braid her hair, she kicked Lex's back and sent him flying. When he hit the floor he was unconscious. Bex won.

Biana and Tam: Since Tam had a crush on Biana, he decided to go easy on her. Little did he know that Biana was the best during Grizel's training. Biana won.

Marella and Ruy: Ruy didn't go easy one bit, in a matter of minutes Marella was taken down. Ruy won.

Dex and Wylie: Since there were no other girls, these boys were put together. Dex was more of a tech guy than a fighting guy, so Wylie easily had him. Wylie won.

For the next round Wylie got to rest, there were sadly no partners for him yet.

Sophie and Keefe: Keefe was always complaining about his hair, so that's where Sophie struck. She pulled his hair and put him in the same sad position Fitz was in. Sophie won

Rex and Bex: Rex and Bex had a very good round, the unwinnable fight went on for 15 minutes before Bex nailed him in the stomach with a powerful kick. Bex won.

Biana and Ruy: Ruy didn't go easy on Biana either, he just kicked the back of her knee and she fell over. Ruy won.

Wylie got to participate in this next round, but all knew who the winners were going to be.

Sophie and Wylie: This was a much tougher fight for Sophie, Wylie had the skill the other boys didn't. Still Sophie knew his weakness, she angled herself and launched at him, only for him to move, and she collided with Linh. Wylie immediately panicked and Sophie took him down. Sophie won.

"Sorry Linh, but it's all about brains. If you don't want to get hurt, hide your feelings or get stronger." Was what she told Linh after taking down Wylie.

Ruy and Bex: Much like Ruy did for Rex the week before, he just handed her her ass, to spare her from humiliation. Ruy won.

"It's just us again, huh. Let's see if you go down just as easily." Sophie joked.

Sophie and Ruy: Everyone knew this match was coming from the time they started the competition. Sophie stayed back so Ruy launched towards her. When he came close, Sophie moved as fast as lightning, ducking, grabbing his arm, and putting him under her. They didn't stay like that for too long because with all his strength, he could easily flip her.

She hit all his pressure points making him numb, then kissed him. Sophie won.

As they were celebrating their victory, Mr. Forkle barged in.


"Everyone quick, there was an accident!" I yelled as soon as I saw the kids.

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