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"or what?"

"What's it going to take for you to wear some normal fucking clothes? It's below freezing outside." I scoffed.

"Why do you care so much about what I put on my body?" I sat down next to the obviously angered blonde, my thigh brushing his and the littlest amount of contact quickly causing him to shift.

"We're engaged, Bethy." I swallowed. I'm not going to lie, I often forgot about that.

"I have a coat." My voice was dry, Pansy glaring at Draco the entire time since I'd sat down next to him.

"What's your problem Parkinson?" He leaned over the table, his face pouring into hers. The closeness bothered me, but I didn't know why. Was I fucking jealous? I didn't want to start anything now though, so I just gave Pansy a begging look. She scoffed.

"Class." Her face was hopelessly unimpressed, Blaise smirking.

"Something's up?" Pansy giggled as she packed her things.

"Piss off and keep your nose where it belongs Zabini," Draco smirked at my remark. "And get that smug look off of your face, fiancé." I gritted my teeth at the last word, watching as Draco's entire body tensed.

"Let's go." He pulled me up from my seat, my spoon dropping from my hand causing Pansy to instantly turning around.

"Leave her alone!" He paused.

"Or what?" A grin played on his lips, as he stepped away from me and closer to her. I started rubbing my arm, Pansy looking at me for guidance, but I just shook my head. She sighed.

"Nothing. Goodbye, Malfoy." Draco turned back to me raising his eyebrows, but I just shrugged and followed him down the hall like some kind of lost puppy.

"She's so odd." I whipped my head up at his words, staring at him dead in the eye as I began to cross my arms.

"And you're fucking mental." He furrowed his brows.

"Me?" His words fell off of his tongue as if I was insane, pulling his hands tightly behind his back as we continued to walk. "No, Zabini. Of course you, you dumb shit." I mumbled the last part, Draco chuckling as he had obviously heard.

"In the room," I looked at him confused, but he stayed silent as I just stared at him confused. "In the room." I let out a sharp breath, then a small groan as I rolled my eyes and forced myself through the frame leaving the littlest bit of dignity that I had left outside like a trash can that'd been abandoned on the side of the road.
Then I heard it. The silencing charm.

"Why'd you silen-" I was cut off by his finger, as he'd practically shoved it down my throat.

"Suck," I was reluctant, but decided to play along. Part of me was disgusted, the other part of me was genuinely intrigued. "Lie down." My eyes narrowed, his expression turning into a delicate little smirk. "Lay on the table like the filthy slut that you are, for fucks sake."

I gasped, as he pushed me down roughly. He immediately pulled up my dress, the thin garnet exposing my lacy blue knickers in near seconds. His eyes were met with mine almost immediately, his hand then slapping my thigh. I moaned. My face instantly going red in embarrassment, as the blondes smirk only grew. "You like that you little slag? Hm? Does that feel good?" He massaged the area for a second, before hitting it again. This time much harder. "I asked you a question..." I bit my lip, not wanting to release any further sounds at something so... odd?

"Get up," I did as told, seeing as he was now angry..? I immediately crossed my legs one over the other, till he pulled them apart. He gave me a look and somewhere in my mind I had an odd feeling to agree. So, I did. His left hand went down to my underwear, his middle finger brushing up against me. I gasped, but he quickly pulled away. "You're dripping..." I watched as he chewed on his lips, clearly trying to hide the obvious curves on them. As I just swallowed, having no idea what'd happen next.



hey bitchesss😻😜😜😜🎅🏼🎅🏼🎅🏼😻🤶🏼 merry christmas and merry christmas eve!!!🎄

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