f o r t y - o n e

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"That's a rather small gown" I turned, Draco's lip curled into a smirk. I sighed. "Aren't you like..?" His face went blank, quickly pulling me down the basement steps and into a small guest bathroom sealing the door with charms.

"Yes I feel bad, but no i'm not gonna sit there and whine about it like you. I didn't kill him, Snape did." I slowly nodded, not daring to make eye contact. "Look at me damn it," he shuffled around, his face and lips lying cold.
"For fucks sake- I SAID LOOK AT ME!" My cheek stung, as his sharp slap dug into my skin.

"Up" I stood tall, my back almost arching from how perfect my posture was. "There, there little girl." His thumb ran over my chin, his other hand brushing down my thigh. "This dress," he chuckled. "It's so short.. someone could just.." He pulled up the back of the sparkly material, his index finger fussing with my knickers. "Slip in"

I moaned, my hands reaching for the back of bathroom countertop. "Fuck El," he thrusted into me like a thin sheet of paper, treating me more like an object than a person. "Does that feel good?" I bit my lip, as he pulled his wand from his pocket. "Answer me slut" I jerked forward, a harsh slap stinging on my bare ass.

"Are you close?" His wand pushed into my neck, as his other hand made a makeshift ponytail with my hair. "Look at yourself," he pulled my head up, my eyes forced to look in the mirror at myself. "How pathetic" He groaned, his thrusts slowing as my moans only quickened. "Is that your spot darling?" I couldn't even manage to bite my lip, the tension spilling out my lips. "Right there? Hm?" "Y-yes." I swallowed, Draco pulling completely out then jamming himself right back in.

"There we go," he pulled the top of my dress down, my bare chest spilling out in-front of him. "Such a pretty whore; just for me." He chuckled to himself, pulling out, flipping me around, and then setting me on the counter.

I whimpered, never hitting my high. "Don't worry babydoll," he cooed, running his hand along my cheek softly. "You're gonna finish" he smirked, grabbing my hand and sucking on my fingers.

"Go ahead" I gave him a confused look, watching as he only snickered. "Touch yourself" "N-" "I said- touch yourself." He led my hand down, the soft skin melting into my sensitive skin. "That's it," he praised me, my fingers running along my beed as he began to jack off. "Faster" I nodded softly, my hand speeding up as the other gripped the counter I'd been placed on.

"Cum for me darling"

"Where've you two bee-" "God, you're worse than us." Pansy slapped Blaises arm, Draco I laughing as he whined. "Your hairs a mess" My eyes went wide, filling with embarrassment as I ran my hands threw my newly messed up chocolate brown hair. "Did you guys-" "Draco, Ellie!" Narcissa greeted us, a wide smile filling her lips. "Mother" Draco swallowed, his hand grasping his fire whiskey a bit more. "Don't worry, i'm not here to ruin the fun." She smiled, but it quickly faded when she was met with Luciuses dark gray eyes. "Excuse me"

"I feel bad for your mom" I walked over to Draco, as he'd now been holding his glass over the balcony. "Me too" I swallowed, placing my cold hand on his. He looked up, a light blush filling his cheeks as he grabbed my hips. "Bethy," he smiled, my body now sitting on the concrete railing like it was a stiff chair.
"What?" I giggled, as he began tickling my mid section.

"I love you"


hi guys🥲 +1.5k

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