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I'd finally made my way back to Hogwarts, apparating just outside the gate and spending what felt like forever running to Pansy and I's dormitory.

When I walked in I found the brunette lying in bed, having opened an oversized book with silver lined pages. "P." I spoke just above a whisper, fearing the awakening of somebody else down the hall.

"Young?" Her face grew confused as I'd told her we'd be gone all night, but I just stepped closer sitting on the edge of her bed. That's when I lost it. For the first time in a long time I felt tears slip down my cheeks. It wasn't from being sad, but overly stressed.

I was emotionally distressed, unsure of how else to deal with it. Pansy stared at me for awhile, before pulling me into a tight embrace. "It's okay, E." She rubbed my back as I let out silent little sobs, almost choking on my tears as she just sat there and held me. "E, if you want me to help you; you have to tell me what's wrong." I just smiled at her, wiping my under eyes with my bare knuckles.

"I'm in an arranged marriage with, Malfoy." Her mouth fell agape. I mean, at least I'm not the only one that thinks this is totally bizarre.

"You're, what?" I laughed, holding my pointer finger to her lips.

"Quiet, there's more to it." She just nodded, waiting for me to carry on as she'd clearly growing intrigued. "So, we're in an arranged marriage but we don't have to get married if we can find somebody else before seventh year- the catch is we have to consider one another." She fake gagged at my words, the action causing me to giggle.

"E, your life's insane." I grinned, just nodding my head. I know.


I woke to the sound of rain banging on my window, unable to fall back asleep as I continuously tossed and turned. I looked to see Pansy fast asleep, the sight causing me to sigh. "Fuck it." I mumbled to myself, throwing my long skeleton thin legs over the left side of my bed and pulling on my robes. I'd decided to go on a short walk, since it was nearly five in the morning and nobody else would be awake at this hour.

The corridor was chilly, my body silent as I tried my best to close the oversized door without a sound. I managed decently well, beginning to make my way up the astronomy tower. It was always risky to go up there at night, but I managed to go quite often considering the circumstances. Snape had only caught me once before, surprisingly letting me off the hook and escorting me back to my quarters.

"Young?" My head turned as I instantly smiled at the sound of his voice, not being able to see him as often as usual due to my very busy schedule.

"Fred." I grinned, happily pulling the six foot three giant into my arms.

"How's it going?" He had pulled me to the edge of the tower, as I watched him cautiously sit his feet over the edge with me following along and doing the same.

"I think that I've lost the pot." His eyebrows furrowed.

"Is it that knob Malfoy?" His tone went from worried to overprotective in seconds, always having a high scale of care for me.

"Sort of," I sighed, wishing I hadn't been put in the situation that I was now stuck in. "It's just- you know my mother." He nodded, blowing hot air from his lips and letting it flow onto mine. "Well, her and my father have gotten me into an arranged marriage with... him." Fred's eyes widened, as he tried his best to hide them with a smirk. "Well, unless I find somebody else to marry before seventh year." Fred grinned.

"Well, I'm always here." I shook my head.

"That'd be great, Weasley." I couldn't help my cheeks from turning a light pink color, as the red head turned my face to his.

"I'm serious," I gulped, eager to hear more. "We could live somewhere in the city, somewhere looking over everything of course... somewhere that feels like us. I'd cook you food, buy you clothes, give you children..." I grinned.

"Then it's settled, we'll be married sometime in December." He sent me a weird look.

"December?" I bit on my bottom lip as I'd grown a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah, winter weddings are underrated." My blush shined through again as he cupped my cheeks.

"December 10th?" I smiled.

Perfect." My face glowed, as he kissed my cheek then began to make his way down the tower. We'd only been joking, but I wouldn't mind marrying Fred. There's no doubt in my mind that he'd be great in bed, let alone make a great husband. Weasley's are known to be great partners, as their not only very attractive and harder workers, but very kind as well. I wonder what George would think..? I wonder what my mother would think? What would Draco think...


No Draco in this chapter bc gtfo🙄

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