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"happy valentine's"

Draco had been stuck in his dorm for about a month, today being Valentine's day. I wore a small pretty pink dress, matching heels, and my regular jewelry. I thought I looked quite nice, nice enough to go into town and buy some candies. Draco didn't like very many sweets, but he simply loved his dark chocolate squares.

"Good morning." I sat down at the Slytherin eatery bench peacefully, smiling up at the fine pair I called my best friends.

"Are you okay?" Blaise looked at me oddly, him and Pansy sharing a quick glance before looking back to me.

"Perfect, actually. I went into town this morning and bought some gifts!" Pansy continued to chew on her toast, the sound of it crumbling between her teeth causing me to fidget and almost gag. "Here." I handed them both small red and pink heart shaped boxes, Blaise being first to tear his apart and open it.

"Thanks..." was all he said, slowly closing the box and turning back to his food.

"What'd you get, Draco?" Pansy smirked, clearly noticing as my mood had changed, and my body had shifted at the slightest mention of his name.

"Just some chocolates.." I spoke quietly, my hands gripping onto the paper shopping bag a bit more.

"Mhm.." Pansy hummed, Blaise going into a coughing fit to hide his laughs.

"Young." I turned, seeing as Adrian stood tall holding a bouquet of flowers. White roses, to be exact.

"Adrian." His teeth gritted at the mention of his first name, but he just brushed it off and placed the bouquet of roses in my not so close to empty hands.

"Happy Valentine's, Lizzie." I shivered as his weird humid air left my face, his hands pushing hair behind my ears the same way Draco had so many times before. I mumbled a thanks, quickly rushing out and going on my way to find the boy that I actually loved, Draco.


"Still lying there like a fool?" I teased him, closing and locking the door behind me. He rose a brow.

"Locking the door, hm? Who got you flowers?" My face fell, his tightening.

"Draco, sit do-" He stood up, his body quick to pin my own to the wall.

"Who the fuck got you flowers?" I swallowed, handing him the bouquet along with the note.

My dearest Lizzie,

Flowers to represent you; cold and pure. Pretty and sweet, calm and cool.

With much love, Pucey.

"Fucking hell," Draco bit down on his lip, looking to me then throwing me down on the bed. "Stay there..." I nodded, as he gave me a deep look now rummaging through his closet. "Perfect." He whispered to himself, making his way back with nothing but a blindfold.

"Put this on," I thought for a second, but decided on shaking my head no. I watched as his face grew red, his eyes shifting between the flowers and I. "Is this about Pucey? Do you like him? Are you mad for one anot-"

"Draco," I swallowed, pushing him onto the bed with my index finger to his lips. "You're going to be quiet."


anywhoooo🥰🥰 sorry it took me a hot minute to update LMAOOO

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