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"don't you dare speak to her like that!"

We were currently at breakfast, Draco no where to be seen. I didn't think too much of it though, as I'm sure he was just busy with Greengrass or something. "Where's, Malfoy?" I slammed down my glass, looking up at Blaise with hateful eyes. "No need to get bitchy..." Pansy started laughing at his words, clearly amused until I turned and glared straight at her.

"Geez." She widened her eyes at me, grabbing her breakfast drink and downing it. "Spit it out, El." I sighed. She knew me too well.

"I just don't get why you two always ask me about, Draco's whereabouts? It's not like we're dating or something." I scoffed, my face pulling away from my palm as I stirred my tea.

"Who aren't you dating?" Draco smirked, as he set his things down next to me at the table. I just slammed my head back into my palms, not having the smallest bit of patience to have a boring conversation with my 'best friends.'

"Goodbye, and happy lunch." They tried to stop me, but I just flipped them all off and stomped out of the eatery like an angry toddler.


"Lizzie." I was in potions class minding my business, well that's till Malfoy decided to sit next to me.

"You may begin!" Snape yelled, causing me to ignore Draco and start grabbing at all the ingredients I'd gathered a bit before class.

Potions has always been one of my favorite classes, so I always arrived a bit early to help set up. "Talk to me," I could see Draco's pleading eyes from the corner of my own, but I didn't dare to speak a word back to him. I mean, why would I? "Bethy, please?" His hand slid down to my thigh, the feeling causing my eyes to disconnect from the small cauldron I'd placed in front of me.

"What do you need?" I spoke, slowly pulling his hand from my leg and moving it to his own. The feeling of his metal clad hands against my skin sent me chills, not necessarily in a bad way- but? I'm not quite sure in what way.

"Are you coming to the game tonight?" His face was practically begging me to say yes, my thoughts causing me to smirk.

"What do I get if I come?" I began picking at my nails, growing bored of the fourth year position we'd been assigned to make.

"Anything." I smirked.

"Anything?" He looked up at me, smirking back.

"Anything." I couldn't help but let my eyes fade to his lips, watching as his fell to my own. His gray orbs were questioning, as his body grew stiff.

"Sure, I'll come." I made an odd face, as I turned back to my cauldron and finished up the rather easy spell. "Amortentia!" I then brought my head down, but quickly pulled it away as the scent filled me whole. It'd been the same since fourth year, the smell causing me the shake my head in disbelief. "Excuse me."


"Even the stupid pots telling you, E!" I sighed, gripping even harder onto my books.

"But, he can't be- I must have messed it up." Pansy sent me a look of disbelief, her lips finally parting.

"Elizabeth Marie Young, I've known you since first year and I've never once seen you 'mess up' a potion. Never. Not even once! So get your head out of your arse and accept the simple fact that Drac-"

"Young?" I looked up to see no other than Harry bloody Potter, cringing on the inside but smiling on the out.

"Potter." I smiled wider as he approached us, genuinely glad he'd broken up Pansy and I's conversation. Normally I'd scald the boy, but today I just smiled at him.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to know if you were coming to the game tonight?" A light blush filled the short brunettes cheeks as he walked up next to me, Crabbe and Goyle's snickers evident from behind him.

"Vincent!" He had pushed me against a locker, his face inches from mine.

"Talking to a Potter, Ellie?" I swallowed harshly, thinking of what my next move would be. I knew the boy's liked me, but never this much.

"Don't you dare speak to her like that!" I flinched as Crabbe was thrown off of me, seeing as Draco stood over him scrunching his nose in pure disgust. "Get lost Potter, she'll be attending the game on my behalf tonight... never yours." I watched as he spit at the bri eyes feet, turning to me and letting his head fall sideways. I couldn't move, as my brain was still processing the events that'd just occurred. "Come along Lizzie, let's go." Draco grabbed my arm, pulling me all the way down to the dungeons. Surprisingly, I didn't try to fight him off of me. "So, what were you and Pan-" I finally snapped out of it, bringing myself and my mind back to reality.

"Nothing that concerns you, blondie." With that I rushed to my room, standing against the door only to be faced with Parkinson herself.

"Who're your running from?" She smirked, trying her best to move me away from the door, but I wouldn't budge.

"Drop it P, let's get dressed." Her eyes were questioning, but she didn't ask questions. P was always there for me, and she didn't ask too much questions. That's what I loved about her.


A bit of a shorter chapter since I didn't have much time to write over the past few days... hope you still enjoyed(:😜 943 words

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