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"oh, bethy."

It was the first of the year and to no one's surprise traditions remained. Many watched as the Young's and the Malfoy's walked up the grand steps to the train station, (together of course) watching as the overly powerful families ran through the brick wall between nine and ten with little to no hesitation.

They were all dressed to impress, as the three women's dress coats went right above a drag and the men's coats not daring to snag.

The well known wizarding parent's made a hefty point to say their goodbyes, the two loving mother's kissing their now fifth year children goodbye. The teens watched as their parent's walked away like they did every year, the tall blonde linking hands with the slightly shorter brunette that stood beside him. He knew her as his best friend, and he loved knowing that. The girl almost immediately smiled up at him after his contact, quickly pulling him aboard the now moving train.

The pair made their way to their usual wing of the train in a slightly rushed manor, always sitting in the same spot with the same people. Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson immediately smiled up at the two, waiting patiently for one of them to start the conversation like they always did. "Where's Cra- Oh dear, Vincent!" Elizabeth teased the slightly chubby boy as he entered their compartment, watching as he rolled his eyes while she took a seat next to the obviously amused blonde.

"I don't see why you two have to be such arses to everybody." Pansy spoke with a large amount of annoyance, as she'd secretly felt bad for the two boys since early first year. When Draco and Elizabeth were together they always knew how to cause the most pain and suffering to others, and she deeply hated it.

"Oh nonsense, P... they don't mind." Elizabeth continued to mess with Crabbe, as she pulled at his chubby cheeks in a playful way and poked his nose like a grandmother would. The hazel  eyed beauty just rolled her eyes, slouching down against the window watching as the trees passed by.

Zabini frowned at the sight, never liking to see Parkinson sad. Most had known he had a crush on the girl since the beginning of third year, well everyone except for the girl herself.

"Gregory!" Elizabeth smiled as she stood up pulling the almost bald headed boy into a hug, Malfoy's face reddening with anger as he watched the shorter boy slip his fingers to the lowest area of her back. It didn't last long though, as the known to be very full of herself young girl was always pretty self aware, especially of her surroundings.

"Be a gentlemen, Greggy or I'll throw you out the window like a piece of scum off the bottom of my shoe." Malfoy scoffed as Elizabeth had just dismissed the boy, turning away from the petite brunette as she sat back down next to him. "We're just friends... quiet down, Lucius." He faced her, always hating when she called him by his middle name.

"Oh Bethy, how you've always had a way with words." The others tried their bests not to laugh, as Elizabeth just sighed scooting the farthest away from the obviously jealous boy as she possibly could. She liked having fun, always hating when he ruined things for her. She understood why he cared, but never understood why he cared for her so, so much...


"Draco, get your fat arse off of me!" His head was laid across my stomach, as his hands were holding a tight grip around my thighs. "Draco!"Pansy laughed at my struggling, Blaise just chuckling at us. "Piss off, I hate you all..." I then rolled my eyes, still unable to move the overly tall boy from my lap. "Fucking hell, Dr-"

Just Friends ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now