f o r t y - t w o

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"just you and i"

"What if we ran away?" I woke up, my body sprawled across Draco's thin gray sheets. "What?" He turned, a warm glass of coffee held in his hands as he'd been staring out the large stained glass window. "You heard me" I sighed, pulling the sheets around me and walking over to him. "Draco," I grabbed his drink, his eyes following my lips as I took a long sip handing him the glass back afterwards. "We can't just runaway" he sighed. "Why not?" I sat myself on the edge of the bed, my hair falling all over the place as I breathed out.

"Where would we live? What would we do? What would we say?" He thought for a moment, placing the glass on the bedside table and grabbing my hands.

"We could find a nice manor in the woods; one of those old timey ones with greenery that you love so much." I blushed, shocked that he'd remembered such a silly thing. "A grand kitchen too," he backed me against the wall, pushing my arms down as well. "a beautiful balcony.. one that overlooks all the stars." His lips inched closer to mine; dangerously close.

"Let's go" his face went into what I presume was shock, probably baffled that I'd agreed to his silly little scheme. Although, his shock quickly faded into an adventurous gaze. "I love you Young; so much."  His hands cupped my cheeks, his lips soft against my skin. He kissed my neck, then my collarbone. I let out soft moans, my hands held against the window sill we'd been near. "When will we go?" He smiled.

"We'll say our goodbyes and leave tonight" I simply nodded, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek as I ran into the wardrobe urgently dressing myself. The future Draco described sounded so nice, yet it was just a dream.. or was it?

I thought and thought, my brush running through my hair over and over again. "You've brushed that same piece over seventeen times" I jumped, the mint in his breath fanning my face and neck as he peered over me. "It's going to be okay you know" his hands held a firm grip on my hips, my hands still holding onto the brush as I brought myself to look in the mirror before us. I smiled, seeing as he'd been doing the same.

"Just you and I Bethy... You and I."

"What do you mean that you are running away?" Pansy sat herself on the couch, Blaise walking in from the other room shocked. "We'll go with you" Pansy nodded reassuringly, Blaise snickering at the idea. I looked to Draco, him smirking as well.

"Well then, we best get to packing."

I looked in the mirror, honestly admiring myself and the odd glow I'd suddenly taken on. "What're you doing?" Draco walked into the room practically giggling, a bright smile filling him whole. "Just looking at myself like the narcissist I apparently am" he chuckled, dropping his duffle on the floor, and tugging his arms around me.

"I hope you know how excited I am to start this new chapter with you" I looked up, giggling to myself as he kissed all over my head and hair. " I know you are. After all, what would you do without me?" The blonde sighed, grabbing my waist and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'd kill myself and whoever was responsible if you weren't here" my lips fell apart, quickly grabbing a hold of Draco's face. "Draco, that's not what I meant." I tried my best not to laugh, seeing as his face continued to color with embarrassment. "Oh.. well still, I meant what I said." He then kissed my cheek, picking up the large black bag and magically shrinking it so we could fit anything and everything we'd possibly need.

"Don't forget to raid the fridge; we're gonna be poor till we find a way into the bank."


+1.6k reads👁👄👁 i love spencer reid

The end of Sixth Year

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