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"here supporting your boyfriend, eh?"

"You're wearing tights and heels to the game?" Pansy gave me a weird look, as I just giggled along grabbing a cigarette from my very undersized shoulder bag. "Really?" She scoffed, always hating when I smoked.

"What?" I'd began to grow impatient, not really in the mood to hear her opinions on my shitty life decisions.

"Lizzie, Parkinson." Draco half smiled, grabbing the cigarette right out of my fingers and putting it in between his own.

"Thank you, I've been te-" as Pansy was about to 'thank' Draco for taking the small bud from me, he'd already began to put the death wish in between his own teeth. "You smoke too..." Pansy swallowed harshly, her face going pale with utter embarrassment.

"Where else did you think little Bethy here got the silly little muggle habit?" His smirk only grew as he pulled the small white bud from his lips, placing it in between my own and leaving a soft kiss on my cheek before he began running back to the arena.

"You guys really are the worst." Pansy huffed, as she'd harshly grabbed my arm, now pulling us to our seats.


"Little oneeee!" I saw Fred smirking from the corner of my eye, as George was on his way over, only a short distance away.

"Fredrick" I teased, George plopping down right next to me.

"Here supporting your boyfriend, eh?" He snickered, Fred hitting him in the back of the head.

"Don't even bother, she won't admit it to you anyway." I sighed.

"That's because there's nothing to admit," They both gave me unbelieving glances, as I continued to bitch and moan. "Why don't you believe me?" I ran my hands through my hair, trying to find the best way to redeem myself. "We've been friends since-"

"First year, we all know." I bit my lip, now growing annoyed. I then decided it'd be best if I just left.

"Goodbye, boys." They didn't even try to ration with me, knowing I wouldn't care. I was about half way down the bleachers when my head swung around to hear the speakers.

"Draco Malfoy catches the stitch!" I immediately noticed him looking for someone, the desperate look in his eyes causing me to begin cheering. After a few seconds his eyes met mine, as I gave him a bright smile mouthing I love you.

"Draco." I smiled, jumping into his arms without a second thought. He caught me with ease, a strong chuckle escaping his lips.

"Enough fondling with your Girlfriend, Malfoy... we have to talk." Snape's voice rang through my ears, as I slowly pulled away from my best friend.

"I'll see you at the party?" I didn't do anymore than simply nod at his question, even through it sounded a lot more like a demand.


Hiii this is really short- I'm gonna write another chapter in a bit tho(:

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