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"Hell, do just you wake up and choose violence?" I sighed, as Pansy just continued to give me an evil glare. "You know he-" I quickly cut her off, not wanting to hear the slightest mention of his name.

"P, we're going to a party I can wear and do as I please." She gave me the eyes, causing me to roll my own. "He doesn't own me. you know?" She huffed.

"And I'd personally like to live past fifteen, okay?" We both giggled at her words, my fingers quick to slip on my black heels as I fixed my hair.

"Let's go, P." She sighed, her eyes drawing up and down my body once again before sending me an unpleased look.

"I swear to god, E-" I smirked, just staying silent as I locked the door and skipped down the hall.


"Hello, darling." Draco greeted me with lust filled eyes, mine drawing down to notice how his belt had been undone.

"Cover yourself, fucks sake." I made a fake gagging noise, as he just snickered to himself.

"Sorry about tha-" his eyes then pondered along my outfit, stopping specifically at my thigh region. "What the hell is that?" I watched as his tongue glided along the front of his teeth, the veins in his neck becoming overly visible to the human eye.

"Goodbye, Draco." I sighed, beginning to walk away until he yanked me back.

"I didn't dismiss you," I then felt a harsh tug on my wrist, as he quickly switched the odd hold to my forearm. "Your outfit screams try hard... don't do that." Then he let me go. I just swallowed, readjusting my headband before I walked the other way.

As I was about to get a snack, I saw a face I hadn't seen in awhile. "Astoria?" I fake smiled, always having an unexplainable hatred towards the girl. I don't know what it is, but something about the way she stood so perkily and perfect just pissed me off.

"Elizabeth Young..." She smirked, tapping her fingers on her awfully full glass of wine. "Not drinking?" I sent her a friendly glare, as I shook my head.

"I personally don't need substances to have a gleeful night." She bit down on her lip at my remark, searching far back in her head for a hasty reply. Although, I had no idea why it was taking her so long considering her forehead was the literal size of Hogwarts itself.

"Have a nice night... you worthless chung." I snickered at her comment, flipping her off once she was out of my personal view.

"Fighting with the help?" I couldn't only hear but see his smirk from a mile away, as I quickly began to panic.

"Adrian." My eyes couldn't help but explore him, but I quickly stopped when I found him doing the same to me.

"Why don't you look-" He licked his lips, but was pulled out of his trance when a shadow began to tower over us and his little personal party group.

"Beautiful." Draco cut him off, as he delicately grabbed my hand, leaving a soft kiss overtop of the olive colored skin clearly marking his territory in away even though I wasn't his.

"That she is... very much in deed." Adrian gritted his teeth at the fellow Slytherin, bending down to my ear before he walked away. "Remember who made you scream over the summer while Malfoy was on holiday..." I swallowed, embarrassed by his words in hopes that my best friend hadn't heard them.

Sadly enough for me, he did. He heard them loud and clear I suppose... Otherwise, he'd stormed off for absolutely no reason. Not that I minded. Adrian had become quite a pain after we slept together, but I didn't care too much. His cockiness could be annoying though... I swear, he thought I owed him something just because I rode his dick once or twice. I didn't, and I never will.


I'd been sitting at the punch bowl bored with myself for over an hour, well that's until I noticed a flaming Draco who'd been seemingly gaslighted by a slightly less aggravated Blaise. I couldn't help my staring, till Blaise turned. He smirked, dashing over to me. "You, slag. You really went as low as to sleep with Adrian? Why not m-"

"Calm down you git it was only once. He's dragging out the story because he's a pathetic little child. That's all he is, and that's all he'll ever be." I could see Draco's face soften from my words, as he fixed his suit collar pretending not to pay any attention. I'd decided to fuck it, as I began walking over to the blonde. Well, that's till a certain red head stepped in front of me. I just sighed.

"Need something, chicken wing?" He pushed my comment off quickly, sharing a close quiet laugh with me then parting his lips.

"Harry likes you." I stared blankly at the boy, never knowing or noticing much about him. He was very attractive, but not as tall or handsome as Fred and George. He held a nervous face as we both just stood there, so awkwardly that I replied with not only an overly long smile, but a dry reply too.

"Thanks." Then I walked away on my way to find Draco for what seemed like a whole nother hour, but I couldn't seem to find him anywhere. I grew worried like one would, but decided to give up once I realized the time. Twelve Thirty in the morning. I'd usually stay out later, but now I wasn't in the mood... I just wanted to know if he was okay, and that's all I needed to know.



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